In the conversations about the risks Trump poses to women, religious and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and the non-wealthy, we haven’t paid nearly enough attention to the utter devastation that is about to descend on public school students. This woman is as terrifying as any other nominee he’s put forth.
There are many animators I’ve worked with that would absolutely kill to be able to work on a project like this! So many games revolve around thousands of tiny repetitive animations that you never have time to finesse the way you inevitably want to... but here, not only are the animations the most important element of…
Seems to be only young people... What us older people value most in a career
Selena dated Bieber. Her type is guys who aren’t boyfriend material. Stars, they’re just like us.
If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...
They say girls are attracted to men like their fathers.
No. I didn’t even know he was straight.
I love the dodge of saying, “well it didn’t originate here, the state made us do it”. How easy is it going to be for fascism to take this country?
She looks super Norwegian in that Bunad outfit.
The video ... ends with the girl hanging from the tree for around 20 minutes as the sun sets, while a woman off-camera can be heard calling her name.
THANK YOU. This article is outrageous and should be retracted. Completely misleading.
Great response to an absolute shit pile of an article from Hannah. I’m embarrassed for her.
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
I have this book. I immediately thought of the story where the person thinks their contact lens is in, but they’re actually just pulling at their cornea. Ahhhhhh, god no! No to so many of these stories!
In fairness I've taken a few showers and leant on the wall like that. Physical exhaustion, bro.
There is real porn on the internet.