J. Steve White

So the study didn’t actually check if it helped keep the weight off, they just assumed it did because of leptin and ghrellin numbers which might be a mechanism that reduces hunger and increases satiety.

Yep. In a discussion of stopping power compiled from FBI and Police shoots they talked about time-to-stop after a heart shot and it was like, 12.9 seconds with a .45 and 14 seconds with a 9mm (that was what they were comparing in the article). That 1 second is a long time, but the 13 before it are even longer. You

There are *lots* of tests with data available on the internet; in every head to head comparison I’ve found, the Eneloop wins. Google “eneloop test”; literally the first five results are head to head reviews with hard data that pick the Eneloop over other rechargeables.

There are *lots* of tests with data available on the internet; in every head to head comparison I’ve found, the

As an Apple fan, I have to agree that this WWDC was pretty bad.

I dunno if it’s stupid. I buy so many staples from Amazon... even kitty litter. Never used Dash but have considered it. But this is a great project, no matter whether you approve of Dash or not! Thanks for posting!

When I was a kid and worked for a company that made parts for the radar guns, I got hold of training materials. One of them was a “quick facts” supposed to teach cops how to get accurate results. I kept it and took it to no less than four speeding ticket hearings, and got three of the four tickets dismissed. I drove,

Yeah. In my city, cops have to have a certification on the radar gun before they can issue tickets. I always asked to see it (It’s been years since I got a lot of speeding tickets - I grew up, stopped buying sports cars, and look like a middle aged family man; I have to *really* screw up before they pull me over now).

My wife makes this lovely ‘skillet bake’ with cheese, sometimes whipped eggs, alliums, mushrooms, and whatever leftover veggies and meat we might have. My favorite so far was shredded smoked chicken (left over from a saturday smoking) with asparagus and broccoli.

I need to buy this. Here’s something frustrating; I read about Sous-Vide cooking like three or four years ago and designed what is essentially this same product. I have the drawings and shit. *sigh*. Live and learn :D Still, I’m glad they built it.

I need to buy this. Here’s something frustrating; I read about Sous-Vide cooking like three or four years ago and

Apple’s Mail.app isn’t bad, but email is (like browsers) where the competition is to see who sucks the least. I’m gonna check this one out. :D

I’ve had that happen if I drank extremely cold milk when I was extremely hot. I don’t think it had anything to do with curdling, though.

And, for my money, the google edition is superior to the ones handset manufacturers crap all over. (Touchwiz, Sense, I’m lookin’ at you)

I think that it’s also important to note that, of all human endeavors of the mind, science is the *only one* that has systematic processes and philosophies designed to counteract such biases. I think Carl Sagan said it best:

I always dice ‘em up and make hash browns out of them for breakfast the next day.

Cool concept. Not within my purview as a family man and a homeowner.

Holy CRAP I wish I could remember this. My office looks like Hoarders:Microcenter Edition.

The studies in question have what appears to be a single common flaw. They don’t track ad libitum calorie intake over time. A “diet” or a “diet + exercise” program must be maintained over time. It is not surprising to me that a single instance of exercise vs ad libitum feeding doesn’t produce a dramatic result. I

Love Pixelmator. I used it almost exclusively before Adobe released the $9.99/mo combined Lightroom/Photoshop package. I still install Pixelmator and use it for some tasks as a somewhat lighter alternative to Photoshop. I love the presentation, and it’s very fast and intuitive.

I’ve always been a fan of Kershaw blades, but I like lots of different knives. My EDC is a Benchmade - I’m surprised they didn’t make the cut here. Still, I can’t disagree with the decision of the Hive Mind. That’s a nice blade.

I know, right? :D I’ve carried a Benchmade for years; never had a better knife.