J. Steve White

I've got a bulging disc from a long-ago car accident. Not too many years ago, I had a coughing fit and my shoulders and arms were enveloped in the most excruciating pain I have ever encountered without an obvious cause. After a couple of repetitions, I went to the doctor thinking I was dying of something. Turns out

To be fair, some of them were fairly engaging, they just dropped the ball later on :D But this is still a good tip.

I have to learn to stop reading. I've only given up on two books in my whole life, though there were several that I finished and went, "Well, that's x hours I'll never get back!". Good tip!

Also, stay in touch with work friends that move on to other companies. The group I met at a job early on - lowly helpdesk job for a major PC manufacturer - are now nearly all extremely successful engineers, and we've all helped each other out along the way. It's like, "We need a really good python guy. Anyone got any

Yeah, it's really difficult to overestimate the value of Toastmaster's. When I was a kid my church had a Toastmaster's rip-off and that experience in public speaking - I completed the "course" at sixteen - has been *absolutely* invaluable in my life, both personal and professional. Great call, timgray.

"The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. Interesting stuff, and presented with engaging historical examples of the "Laws of Power" in action - either the failure to follow them or the results of following them. Note that he doesn't engage in moral pontification about the 'Laws'; he just lists them and examples, much

Sure, but to anneymarie's point, even the New Testament supports things like slavery.

Cannot recommend Kahneman enough. Thinking, Fast and Slow is a phenomenal work. Great stuff.

Yeah, exactly so.

Also, every one of his tips I've found a use for and attempted has worked. That's a big plus.

I think the people that hate Ferris hate him because of the sensational nature of his book titles and claims. Not many people can actually end up with the vaunted 'four hour work week'. People that love him enjoy his engaging style and realize that whether you can do the four hour work week or four hour body or what

I love Ferriss (Along with several of the other books you listed here). His titles sound so bullshit-ey, but they're both chock full of useful tidbits, even if you can't implement his whole regimen.

I can actually sleep pretty well in a reclining bucket seat if the headrest is in the right spot and I'm warm. I've done it quite a few times in my life, on road trips and such. Good article.

Are all tents meant to sleep in? (Hint, I have a couple that aren't). Are all cars "not meant to sleep in"? (Hint, the article lists several that are). And is it your stance that no one, ever, should use items for any purpose other than what you envision those items have? What materially separates, say, a pup tent and

Wow, that's some pretty steep, opinionated judgement there. Particularly since you're just talking about convention. There's no special dividing line between a car, a van, and a camper - it's all purely convention. I can't understand why you would think that because *you* can't think of a reason *you* would sleep in a

Yeah, but there are limits on pre-tax contributions.

I did not assert that advertising does not affect me, nor do I believe that to be the case. I detailed some of the processes I use to attempt to combat the effects of advertising. I was talking about *this specific* study. Having a slightly favorable view of a company I've not had *actual* experience with means I'm

I did it the old-fashioned way - I didn't go. :D

I've been incredibly lucky in my life; I'm a successful professional even though I have only a high school diploma.

That said, my wife is attending college now; She's putting the classes on her credit card and I'm paying them off each semester.

My daughter will attend

How else would we explain a phenomenon like Beats by Dre?

I think that "works" is a moving target. I may have vague positive feelings about the company, but when I buy anything that matters, I look for reviews and compare prices and the like. The only time my vague positive feelings will swing the tide is when I'm deciding between items that are indistinguishable. When

Typically I don't accept counteroffers; I look at it like, they knew what I was worth to them, they just didn't pay me that much because they could get away with it. And lest people think this attitude mercenary, imagine how they'd feel if you did as little as you could get away with... you probably wouldn't be