No, I can make a *better* Reuben at home; Once a year I buy the stuff and have some friends over, and we eat Reubens until we burst. I just can't make "one Reuben" at home.
No, I can make a *better* Reuben at home; Once a year I buy the stuff and have some friends over, and we eat Reubens until we burst. I just can't make "one Reuben" at home.
While I love horseradish, and would certainly try the sandwich described, it's not a Reuben the way any deli I've ever visited has made 'em. My favorite is from D'Bronx here in KC, and theirs is thousand island, though russian (thousand island without the pickles) is ok, too.
Saturdays only for sandwiches. "Cheat day", as it were.
True. And I make the best grilled cheese in the known universe. :D
LOL! Pizza and Reubens are two of my favorites. Yeah, I can make a Reuben cheaper, but I can't make just one cheaper. I can't buy two slices of rye bread, a slice of swiss, a single serving of sauerkraut, and a single serving of thousand island dressing for the cost of a Reuben at D'Bronx.( $6.50, I think).
Same goes…
Turn off automatic upload of images and iCloud backup of your device, and just plug the thing into a PC once a week. You can still share images to Facebook and Instagram and Tumblr and MMS.
I would add to the existing answers that they [Apple] probably have logs that expose password recovery processes and brute-force attacks that highlight the breaches over time.
Cast Iron Pans are the best for frying stuff. Braising, simmering, etc, not so much. But if you're frying almost anything, cast iron is the best.
Yeah, we're not disagreeing, and I knew what you were saying; I was making a joke about Bresson. You're right; buying better equipment often simply improves the technical accuracy of otherwise unremarkable images. I've fallen victim to that many times myself - the muses know I've produced far more unremarkable images…
Bresson used a Leica. Philosophy of photography aside, that tends to undermine the assertion... LOL
I'd say the 'sweet spot' is in the middle. I did time as a commercial photographer, it's true. Different cameras have different applications. Sometimes a phone camera will work. Sometimes it won't. A point-and-shoot like…
Pentax K7, maybe? I'm a Pentax shooter (K20 and K5) and I don't think they make a D7...
The RX100 is a beast, though. Great choice for a walking-around camera, and images that for most purposes are indistinguishable from those taken with a DSLR or MILC. I will pick one up eventually. :D
You don't have to use their automagic stuff. They have a piano-roll editor, and you can plug in a keyboard or audio interface and record live. The primary use case I have for GB is to record live audio (guitar and bass, usually) against a track I created using another app.
To be fair, the Windows tablets will run desktop apps, so there are lots of apps for them. Most, however, aren't optimized for use as tablet apps, requiring you to use them like a desktop, making your tablet into a super-portable laptop. Also, the Windows tablets tend to be underpowered for desktop DAW applications.
I love FL Studio on the PC - it's the SINGLE APP that keeps my Macbook Pros bootcamped. (I'm still holding out for that Mac version that's been in development forever and a day LOL). The mobile version is nice, but it's very limited, and its performance on my Android devices leaves something to be desired.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've downloaded it, and after a few minutes of playing with it I have to say it reminds me of a scaled back Reason. Seems like it would be awesome for Electronica. Good recommendation!
Figure is a blast, I agree. Solid sounds, too, easy rhythms. Like many of the offerings in this list, I love to use it to make backing tracks to improvise guitar/piano/bass over.
But the SOFTWARE isn't there, not yet. That's why these are all iOS stuff. I'm sure if you sit tight there will be a bunch of Windows Tablet guys coming along talking about windows-based DAWs for their tablets. It's a viable solution. I've got most of the apps for Android (well, I've got five or six; I've been unable…
Korg EVERYTHING. LOL. I couldn't pick one if I had to. iElectribe, iMS-20, iPolysix, iKaossilator, and Gadget - all freaking awesome. I'll add whichever one gets left out :D