J. Steve White

Good tip - but, oddly enough, it *was* stuffed down my shirt. The branch scraped my neck as I drove the mower under the tree, and hooked the right ear cable. I don't know if you've ever put in the custom acrylic IEMS (like the UE ones), but they're made like hearing aids, custom cast to fit your ear and canal, and

Yep, that's what it says on the box, too :D I like the Comply tips (the ones that look spherical), just not enough to pay for them. I've got a package of the foam cylindrical ones sitting here in a drawer because I don't like those at all from comfort or isolation perspective. I can see how the product would be

I'm not a big fan of MS Operating systems, but I've always loved their hardware, and all my mice are Microsoft except the Magic Mouse that I dust off once in a while for novelty's sake. This is the Wireless Mobile Mouse 3000, MSRP $24.95, that I picked up for $19.99 at Microcenter. It just works, reliably.

I've got several different sorts of ear-phones and several different kinds of tips. The nearly-spherical Comply tips are OK; none of the other ones seal properly in my ears (I have to use the largest silicon plug in any given set to get a good seal in my ears). I lose a bit of bass because the Comply tips are

Nor is it particularly "healthy" :D

They're perceived as inferior because, typically, they are, by the criteria of most diners. Take salads, in the headline image. I've had the "grilled salmon salad" and the "grilled chicken salad" at many popular restaurants, both local and chain, and typically they're terrible. Usually they pile on sickly-sweet

There probably aren't any DIY self-hosted solutions that are within Lifehacker's wheelhouse. The many interactions with venerable and mystical technologies ( DNS configuration, for instance, can be a nightmare if you aren't well versed in it already; firewalls in front of your mail server; securing your mail server so

I'm not promoting a site, mind you. That said, I've had very good luck with Constant Content. No bullshit, they pay when your article sells, they give you hints as to what's hot and what's not, and they require considerably higher grammatical standards than most of the sites who pretend to be that sort of business.

Writing articles for a content reseller. They collect content and sell it to websites on commission. You can choose the rights sold, from usage to full rights. There are a million, and most are scams, but I found one that's not a scam - that is, they sell articles, then they pay you ~70% of the proceeds. You're not

Right, I made the point that the available information doesn't demonstrate which causes which, and I'm not discounting your explanation, but in the spirit of the Devil's Advocate, let me suggest that your argument is similar to suggesting that it's not the alcohol that makes people behave as though they're drunk, it's

"You people"? LOL! Your statement isn't even wrong. You don't seem to have paid very close attention to my post at all - which quite clearly allowed for your assertion here as a potential explanation, but pointed out that ALL of the assertions in the article are related to alcohol's effects and do no consider

Ba-dum tisss.... Steve Martin: 'First, get a million dollars. Then, pay no taxes. And when the tax man comes, you use the magic phrase, "I Forgot!"'

Great observation, but to be fair, I think those could be classed as "needs", eh? ... Something clever involving the name "Maslow" should be here, but I can't be arsed to think of it right now. Gotta take my kid to a cosplay con. :D

I know some people react to alcohol badly. I've seen some documentation, though I can't raise it right now, about people that alcohol completely derails. I knew a guy - really smart, very timid, kinda geeky; he came with my and some buddies, had two beers, and was GONE. Smooth gone. Elvis has left the building.

"You could also say, "People who like to fight drink beer and whiskey," and it would be an equally true statement based only on observation." Exactly - that's what I meant by "It's hard to figure out which way the arrow points, eh?"

Myth Seven: Different Types of Alcohol Affect Your Behaviour

I did not claim they were 'healthy'. Define what that word means and we can talk, but I made no such claim. I did claim that hot dogs are safe to eat. I did not claim there was no upward limit of safety. Is sugar safe to eat? Of course it is. But eating too much of it will in fact cause you to become obese and develop

I think your definition of "safe" is screwed up if you think eating hot dogs isn't "safe". Skydiving isn't safe. Cave diving isn't safe. Hotdogs are safe.

Except I haven't seen any 9" monitors with, what, 2048x1536 resolution? If I saw one, I might consider buying it. :D

Most of the jailbreak keyboards are just (often terrible) iOS implementations of third party keyboards for Android or cosmetic patches. I don't think predictive text is a new idea that they had to steal - there are lots that do it, but so far only Swiftkey X does it well enough to matter, and lately it's been falling