
yea - I definitely think its jacked not to have basic first aid, but I learned the mustard trick working in a kitchen and still use it at home for minor burns. It works for the pain and the blistering. ~shrug~

This is one of those things that yes - bullshit that they don't have a first aid kit. But also, working in a kitchen was where I learned to put mustard on a burn and I still do it because, well, it works. ~shrug~

Camp Caramel Delites 4EVA!!

I was so confused when I moved THREE HOURS AWAY (from Houston to Austin) and suddenly shortbreads = trefoils, caramel delites = samoas, and peanut butter patties = tagalogs

My Texan-two-cents: Texas is a huge state and a hugely populous state. Of course we're going to have a looot of nutjobs.

That dog is so happy he did a good job!! I don't know that I've ever been that happy!!!! I'm not crying, you're crying!!

He was playing at a public university -> concert was paid for with public money/tuition money -> student paper had every right to investigate how much their university paid for the concert.

Is it just me, or does this slide seem like something that really isn't that bad or crazy? It's even kinda funny in that way that's like "yea this is ridiculous, but this is what we do, so lets roll with it"

disagree. This is awesome. It's Marilyn in "Gentlemen Prefer Blonde" with modern hair and a black skirt.

I'm shortly to be in a wedding party for the first time since my mom's wedding when I was 11, so I'm reeeeally hopping all goes well and no one gets kicked out.

Not to burst your bubble, but I'm friends with a food writer who has interviewed a bunch of the food network folks - said Ina was genuinely sweet and kind. Which makes me happy, because that's what I want to hear about Ina Garten.

Slightly related anecdote: I am in no way a model, but I did model in a runway show for a designer I know during a fashion week - and ABSOLUTELY dudes be lining up thinking all models are up for grabs. Came off stage, mingled with the crowd and suddenly there is a guy at my elbow buying me drinks and talking about all

It's a SUPER interesting book! And was written by a professor who my best friend was working on her thesis under!

you're glorious.

On the mild scale, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. Was dating a guy for almost a year who took me out to dinner the night before my birthday, and told me he didn't think things were working. We agreed to take a break, but not tell anyone, so he still showed up to my birthday party where I got super drunk

I was recently talking to my mom about how I learned to do her signature in high school, not because I was doing bad things - but because she would never remember to sign things like permission slips.

I mean really, just read everything Christopher Pike wrote and all the Fear Street books, like I did between the ages of 9 and 15.

i just got back from the UK, where my sister ate a McWrap for breakfast one morning as we were headed out on a drive. She said it was every breakfast food McD's serves on a tortilla, and it was glorious. So, there's that.

i recently went to visit a friend in San Francisco, and my first interaction with anyone while waiting for my friend to pick me up was some guy coming up to me saying "damn girl." I smiled politely to end the interaction, and crossed the street. At that point, he followed me across the street and began asking my name,

"or a particularly edgy Mary Higgins Clark novel."

"It's like somebody dumped all my high school enthusiasms—Ren Faire, DragonCon, romance novels, the Highland Games, Turner Classic Movies—into a giant whiskey barrel and let it ferment for ten years."

I've read the books, and was still lukewarm to this show. That one line has convinced me to watch it.