Sh0w Pending

The moral high ground stands atop a slippery slope.

Ah of course. Nobody is pure enough. The second she makes a statement supportive of women she is immediately flanked on the left for being too white and not nearly tribal enough.

This is a lot of words you used! You should’ve just said, “I don’t respect white women’s struggles.” And left it at that. It takes a special type of awful person to take women sharing stories about being sexually assaulted and try to make it about them.You’re literally attempting to co-op an incredibly important

If it’s one thing his 3-16 record over his last two years with the 49ers showed, it’s that he can really drag a shitty team to victory about 15% of the time.

Stay classy!

It’s amazing. You call Trump a liar and they say “no, Hillary is a liar” as if there can only be one liar in the world or we can’t be upset that there are multiple liars.

Kind of like how Deadspin posted a video of a woman possibly being raped and refused to take it down.

You guys seem to be threatened by Barstool .

Is this going to be a feud with Barstool now? I’d love to go back to not knowing what they’re doing on a regular basis.

You should write for this site. You’re certainly qualified

I rarely say this, but wow this is a short sighted article. The whole aspect of players getting hurt has been a part of football since the start of the game.. I am not stating that because I rejoice in it but that what you are calling “THE PROBLEM”.. has been there for decades.. how does this play, this hit, this

Jesus, what do you want, anyone not a linemen can’t be tackled? This is tackle football, not flag football. Seriously, injuries happen, Rodgers has missed less than 15 games in his career to injury, he has done just fine. Part of what makes these guys great is taking the hit and keep on moving. Granted a broken collar

+1 drive by

A post about the fact that players get hurt in a contact sport? In other news, the sun still rises in the east... *shrug emoji*

People need to stop being offended over every lil thing

“I don’t understand how elections work.”

How does a guy who basically quits his job then calls other future employers slave owners and expect to get a job. When does personal responsibility come into effect here. Have we even heard from him besides cryptic tweets in a year?

Corey Feldman talked about the pedophiles years ago and no one did shit. No reporter ever went after that lead.

For the love of God, stop mischaracterizing CK’s statements and stop bringing up the unsubstantiated allegations against him that may have originated from this very blog. Not only is it desperate at this point, but is unprofessional and if he decided to sue he would (properly) win a defamation lawsuit as this is

No! Don’t you get it? Haven’t you heard? If you disagree with liberals you are a Nazi.