
i heard NBC tried to offer Carlin the Tonight Show but he's been dead for 7 years.

The thing is, Tonight Show is not open mic night at your local ha ha hole.

Leisure Suit Larry Croft. I'd be interested in that mashup.

*subtle boob jiggle*

Just without the character development...

Custom Robos was really fun. I wouldn't mind seeing that come to the Wii U and Golden Sun. I see you're a fan. They just need to bring RPG's like that and Pokemon to the console front already.

Lol well said. I love both games.

That's not too far off. It's definitely arena-based and there's always not too many combatants.

"RaceSwap" sounds like the kind of reality show you'd find on TLC

yo. can i get my post approved please? I have been waiting quite a while now

They should have called it the Super 3DS. Naming opportunity missed.

Actraiser. Another game I absolutely loved and would like to see come back. Though it probably would lack some of the charm of the original.

If they don't, they're idiots.

Ghostbusters 3: Ecto-Cooler Wars.

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

The fact that they seem to be so oblivious to how players treat loot is troublesome. Didn't they do research on other games like this? Especially since they put PvP into the game, of course people are going to grind hard for the best loot. People's fascination with drops can also have to do with the overall lack of

"Seriously, it's a great system to us! It makes sense to us!"

"affecting their perception of the game"

I have never understood not liking a game just because of a *mechanic*. So the game has lock-on aiming? It works great with the game's overall design— just get used to it. Even if you've only played more conventional FPSs, after an hour or so of Metroid Prime's controls you get used to it and it works perfectly

Once you get used to it, the lock-on mechanics in both Prime and the original Devil May Cry's are actually much better than their alternatives, because they offer a strong combination of reflexive speed and precision.