
@Benedinho: That is the best way I've heard that movie described.

Chen, you're an international star!

Greatest GTA of them all? That would mean GTA San Andreas. This is GTA 3 art.

@ClintonPortishead: That's a gross overstatement and you know it. If you want to blame anyone for all this shit, blame ESPN, and blame New York.

@D_Robb: Same here in San Diego :(

@Handsome Al: "Example, San Antonio Spurs have no stars, at least the star power Kobe and Lebron have. Yet they have won 4 titles since '99."

@Jeff: MSN's article is DEAD wrong, and I cannot believe that a major news site would report a story like this without any research of their own, almost as if it is the word of God.

I apologize. Normally I try not to stoop down to a certain level. But this time they've gone too far. Please forgive my link to another site.

And you know what't the worst thing about 3D?

@Stem_Sell: I believe that preference for one device over the others may have her 'retinas' seeing, and thus reporting otherwise.

With the exception of the comparison of contrast ratios between the Droid X(?) and the iP4, this test really didn't seem too objective and scientific to me. The AMOLED displays of Droid Incredible and the N1's contained much higher contrast, yet the iP4 yielded better results under normal ambiance? But really, how is

@NorCalAngler: "And, for the record, I wish the term "fanboy" would go away... seriously. I'm calling it like I see it as a consumer. Fanboy is just a crutch so people can dismiss opinions outright rather than holding an intelligent discussion."

@NorCalAngler: Woah, taking pot shots at the sales of a phone that is, as you refer to an "outlier"? If you aren't ready for the answers, don't make generalizing statements. But way to hide the fanboy behind the star. What, then do you say of the Droid Incredible, the Desire. Dell Streak and Galaxy S(The Galaxy S has

@NorCalAngler: my 6 going on 7 month old nexus one actually fits the guidelines for gingerbread fine. You're totally over reaching and overreacting. I've hacked nothing but I've for froyo.

@8oardR1der: I've heard the name Android 3 tossed around the web for GB