
@Roger_Wilco: Both, you can either get a "smart TV" or you can get a box and use it on any TV you want. I'm sure someone will get a leaked version of the OS and drivers and what not.

@somekindarobit: well said...also, in that illustration, a geek wouldn't own an iPhone.

@amaraklov: it's been around for ages though. Ever since capitalism.

@Bluecold: or an electric pedal-assist bike, which rock! You pedal with little-to-no resistance, which is good for your knees and ankles while still getting a good workout for your heart.

@amaraklov: We ultimately choose what we are fanboys of. Choices may be limited, but we always have the freedom to create our own.

@Patrick Lucey: I believe Roseanne has some information she would like to share with us on the subject matter.

@jsmuli2: "I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways. By force! "

@jsmuli2: "Friends! I have come to free you from your complicated lives! The 'complicated' part, not the 'lives' part."

I nominate this man-bot to be the captain of this vessel!:

@Eugene Malkin: as you see with gbmgb's reply, they had their moments...worse than dick jokes.

yeah screw this, DInc kicks ass.

sadly, it's the cinematics that are used instead of actual gameplay for the ads. So, if you base your purchases off of what the TV/Movie spot shows you, you will usually be disappointed.

@DavidAndrus: Same with Pepsi throwback and the glass-bottled coke. They taste SOOO much better and sweeter than HFCS crap.

Stock Android Music PLayer is by far the best and I have used most of these.

This show reminds me of Heroes and Lost in that you are given a little of something "cool" in each episode and then you have a bunch of questions at the end.