No, you’re right. It’s not a “rant.” It’s a delusional and deeply stupid diatribe. Right up your alley.
No, you’re right. It’s not a “rant.” It’s a delusional and deeply stupid diatribe. Right up your alley.
It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...
Like a block of cheese trying to understand time travel.
I feel like this argument comes way too close to letting American social media off the hook for very similar and equally nefarious practices.
FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.
Try playing Sunset Overdrive! It’s got plenty of jokes poking fun at video game tropes and structure, but it’s also very clear that the people making the jokes are game lovers themselves.
Oh, and it’s not a constant onslaught of gross-out “humor”
Of course they have human teeth. That thin blue line schtick is supposed to mean the cops are protecting the decent regular folk from the hordes of barbarians in the streets. And barbarians keep the teeth of their victims on them.
God damn, I fucking hate cops.
Crazy to think Bob’s Burgers has been on the air for a decade. Still pretty good and the movie was really fun.
I did that and all that happened is I summoned Satan and that dude also can’t figure out the answer to the riddle. If you have any ideas give us a call because we’re both pretty stumped over here.
I tip because our society demands it, but tipping is a tax, pure and simple.
“I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s.” I truly believe that most of our nation’s disdain for Arby’s can be clocked to The Simpsons’ decision to repeatedly make it a punchline throughout the span of the series
The reason vegan meats can’t compete pricewise with meat is because A-- meat companies pay their workers shit and B- the government subsidizes the industry, so they can afford the lower prices.
In fairness, so did Oz.
Do you have to tape your phone to it and set it on vibrate to do that?
When I vote for John Fetterman in Nov. for U.S. Senate & *not* Dr. Oz, fellow takeout commentators can also say they voted for Fetterman & not Oz. Am sharing glory of my vote cast with You :-) Okay, Over/Out.
“Guys, that’s $20 for crudités, and this doesn’t include the tequila,”
The Just Egg patties are wonderful and the flavor is spot on especially when used in breakfast sandwiches (a little understated but still very much like egg). I think they’re a far superior product to the liquid version and a bit cheaper too.
Well, some of his best friends are black.