
Website for the game says it's High Republic era

Website for the game says it’s set in the High Republic era, so that wouldn’t be C-3PO. Yoda, yes, but not the droid.

Have you ever seen Night Monkey and Yelena at the same place at the same time? I know I haven’t.

Everyone knows that Maya's mysterious uncle is going to be Mephisto. You can't spell "Hi me stop" without Mephisto.

Until I saw the red energy weapons she was using, I literally completely forgot about Yelena and had no idea who the Night Monkey wannabe was.

As long as they don’t ditch the Impossible Whopper I’m fine with any other cuts.

Make sure to bring your spice weasel.

This entire network of sites is virtually unusable on a phone anymore.

Just finished watching Dune for the 4th and final time for now. Today it leaves HBO Max so we wanted to watch it one last time until it comes back.

My only surprise in today’s verdict is how long it took them to return a bullshit not guilty verdict.

Am I the only one bothered by the featured image? That’s not Matt Murdoch, that’s Benjamin Poindexter (Bullseye) in the Daredevil suit when he attacked the New York Bulletin office in season 3.

Canned cranberry sauce is best cranberry sauce, and that is a hill I will die on.

Evwry time there's news about this movie I'm reminded that it's being made. This is so far off my radar that in a day or two I'll forget about it again.

He read somewhere that humans like food. Humans keep food in their home. Therefore, to be accepted as a human, he should have food in his home.

So I didn’t read the article at all, and jumped right to the trailer, and I did NOT put 2 and 2 together to realize a Pixar movie called “Lightyear” was about Buzz Lightyear until I saw the white purple and green space suits.

Is there any streaming platform that lets you watch new Dr Who episodes the day after they air?

Laserface1242? You any relation to a well-known, much-feared Ravager with a similar sounding name?

How does the choice system affect the game? If you choose to sell Rocket, does than only impact that chapter or are there ramifications later on for your choices?

So I’ve never been a Warhammer or 40k player, but I did use the last year and a half or so to assemble and paint Star Wars Legion and Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures, and now that my local game shop’s gaming space has re-opened, going there to play games has been someone of the only in-person socializing I’ve done

The best part of this entire thing is that it’s been proven over and over again that these people don’t know or understand anything about basic network and information security, so this TRUTH site will be a prime target for hackers. (fun fact, it’s actually already been compromised)