
That's a waste of two perfectly good googly eyes. Why glue them onto boiled chicken?

Oh damn... I’m going to miss Zack’s writing here. Good luck in what the future brings Zack, and be safe.

I didn’t know (or really care) that Channing Tatum was from Alabama.

“...Alabama might be one of the most unvaccinated states in the nation,” Greene told the crowd, who cheered at being unvaccinated

Pizza Hut pizza. Me and my roommates would make a once-a-week trip to the local Pizza Hut for their all-you-can-eat Lunch Buffet.

Yeah, my XBone is a launch model too.

If any stores had a Series X available I'd have already upgraded.

Several times since launch, the game has crashed on my Xbox One informing me that I should add more video memory... :|

You assume people are capable of nuanced points of view...

Got to REALLY love and respect the response from Sagitta to Blizzard. That’s really indicative of a company valuing their staff.

Trump also rambled that he was considering replacing the DOJ’s leadership because that’s the only thing he ever did while in office; replace people.

They can keep urging people to see it in theaters, but as long as I can keep streaming movies at release, I'll keep doing that instead. I've never found the theater experience enjoyable enough to put up with the crowds and noise from other patrons. Plus, if I need to use the restroom, the theater won't pause the movie

I've had this brand's frozen crab-free cakes before. Pretty good. Meat-free seafood is a pretty under-served market in meat alternatives.

Anyone have a spare liver I could borrow, because that drinking game will be the death of me.

Beyond is definitely cheaper than Impossible (at least the pre-formed patties). I do prefer the Impossible over Beyond, but I like them both.

I’ll have you know that Oreos are vegan, and “lean” is about the last word anyone would use to describe me. So better get quite a lot of dry rub and/or sauce ready. :D

Calling it now! Crosshair is going to become Dengar, since everything is conneceted to everything in Star Wars.

Totally not going to happen fan theory:

This really has nothing to do with the content of the article, but I love that shirt she’s wearing.

Am I the only one REALLY bothered by that photo at the top of the article? Where is that cord going? How do you type with the keyboard rocking side to side with the cord as a pivot point? How has the user not smashed the keyboard out of sheer frustration?