Thanks for ending the article in that funny video, because everything else about this is depressing as hell.
Thanks for ending the article in that funny video, because everything else about this is depressing as hell.
*Unless he is only playing nice to get 17 republicans to impeach.
I’m paying for the Gold service, part of that service is to get these Games with Gold games. I’d be pissed if they decided to stop offering these items so that a completely unrelated part of their business could focus on something instead, that literally has zero impact on providing the Games with Gold titles.
Shit, maybe I’m reading the wrong transcript. Any of you who didn’t spend Inauguration Day getting shot up on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War should feel free to fill me in on what I’m missing.
You mentioned slim pickings for Xbox this week, but Scott Pilgrim is also on Xbox for the same $14.99 price as Switch and PlayStation.
“a group of people that has lived under common laws for mutual benefits.”
Ugh...I was glad The Takeout was one of the last holdouts avoiding this new homepage layout that Kotaku, The Root, AV Club, etc switched to.
he has a very restrictive diet that he adheres to for religious reasons
I get the Annie’s Vegan Mac quite often. It’s my favorite store-bought vegan mac, but I do usually need to doctor it up a bit. Usually a healthy dose of ground black pepper and a few hits of hot sauce is all it takes for me.
That always struck me as odd. It’s not the worst part about Taco Bell, but it’s one of the stranger things...
Still, the group pointed out in a statement that its bylaws make it clear that “no person who advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States, or of any state, territory or possession thereof, or of any political subdivision therein, by force or other illegal means, shall be a member of the Association.”
soon-to-be-former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who refuses to get his under-neck circumcised
Can I still connect with him on Google+?
It is never bad to read ANYTHING in the style of John Cleese.
Do we know if this bug also affects console players? I’m on an Xbox One, and pretty far into the game (level 41, getting close to the endgame quests).
On that header image, it seems pretty “on brand” that the thin blue line american flag bullshit is on that sign next to “pro-god”, since they practically worship the ground cops walk on.
I find it really surprising in a game set in a world all about being able to modify humanity, that you can’t even go to a barber shop/salon, tattoo parlor, or even change your makeup. This seems like such a really weird thing to not include.
I just finished Valhalla over the weekend, Cyberpunk is Preordered and installed on my Xbox One already, so I’m ready.
My favorite part of realism that I came across in Valhalla just happened last night. I forget the region I was in, it’s the one celebrating Samhain. Gunnar’s soon to be wife, Brigid, spoke a language I didn’t understand. The subtitles just said [Unintelligible]. People in the village understood her, and Gunnar did as…