
If I order a full meal, only eat 85% of the meal, and they throw away the remaining 15%, am I expected to tip on the full price of the meal, or just 20% of 85% of the meal’s cost?

Is an Oreo with mustard a sandwich?

Just shut down comments on this thread now. Kale Oreos are the winner.

Never Alone. I got this as a free Xbox Games with Gold a while back. It was so beautifully done. Engaging story, great visuals, and educational about a people I had little to no knowledge of. The only real downside to the game for me is the lack of replayability.

So I’ve had this several times, and I REALLY want to like it, but there’s just something odd about the taste, and at least for now, the stuff is pretty expensive.

Coming to The Takeout this Summer... [Celebrity], is an Electrocuted Hot Dog a Sandiwch?

Do people put ketchup on corndogs? I’ve always put mustard on mine.

After I roast beets (or boil them if I’m canning pickled beets) I peel them by hand, over the sink, while cold water is running. That’s usually worked for me to help lessen the potential for stains, but it only works if you’re going to be serving the beets cold.

I have tried the freezing/thawing process for tofu. It does make for a different/better texture in my opinion.

Yes, she addressed this after my comment was made. Originally the headline said vegan, not non-dairy.

How does a drink with honey in it constitute vegan? It’s a non-dairy drink, but not vegan. Looking at the ingredients on the Starbucks’ website, honey is an ingredient in the drink, not just an imitation honey-flavor.

It’s only bad if you tip less than 20%.

I’ve tried it, several friends swear by it, but i just didn’t like it. If I’m ever in a BLT sort of mood, my go-to is LightLife’s Smokey Tempeh strips. It fits the crispy smokey part of the bacon experience, but the texture could be offputting if you dont’ like tempeh.

I’ve tried pretty much every vegan bacon on the market, and I’ve just come to terms with the fact that no one will ever make a good meatless bacon.

I’d also think plant-based would be a good candidate for this list. With companies like Beyond and Impossible leading the way, vegan/plant-based foods have grown by leaps and bounds, especially in the second half of this decade. Hell, you can get a meat-free, good-tasting Whopper at Burger King right now.

There’s also a different version of chicken and waffles that more of a regional thing, it’s like taking the filling of a chicken pot pie (which also has vastly different variations from region to region) over waffles. So it would be cooked chicken pieces in a gravy with vegetables, ladled over waffles.

Doctor Aphra has been my favorite of all the new Marvel Star Wars books.

Where would Bob’s Burgers be today if Bob Belcher just called it the “Chive and Fried Pickle Burger” instead of the “Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger”?

I don’t want to live in that world.

Ah... Chekov’s Lube Man, one of the great literary tools...