
Hoping this was a joke, but just in case it wasn’t...you know there’s no butter in peanut butter, right?

Depending on the batter used, fried Oreos can easily be vegan, since Oreos themselves are vegan*.

A wise man once said:

On one hand, I’m relieved that they are done, or about done with new content for the game.

BJ’s already does this. You can also “clip” coupons via the app. When the cashier scans your card or phone at checkout, it automatically applies all of your clipped coupons to your purchase. Also, BJ’s doesn’t require showing your card to get in.

Luckily she wasn’t into raw foods, as that would have been really tough!

There is no there there. NO THERE THERE!

But what the hell is wrong with parents today that think this is acceptable?

she turned me onto some fairly tasty vegi ones a couple of years ago, but I forget what the brand was. Maybe they were Morningstar

Long time vegan here...

I’m positive the comments below won’t devolve into arguments about kids’ screen time, or whether iPads belong in restaurants, or whether kids belong in “non-kid-centric” restaurants. Totally, 100% confident. Not a chance.

There’s an upcharge for that.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve got a lot of those.

“Tunic and tonic”?

She is infinitely more patient than I could ever be. Had I been in her position, I would have just tore into that orange idiot and never let up. But then again, I’m a white guy, so I wouldn’t have to deal with anywhere near as much blowback as an immigrant, Muslim, woman of color would have to deal with if she reacted

Considering no one is actually holding him accountable for his actions, and he just ignores checks and balances, and the other 2 branches of government, he’s right, he pretty much does have unrestrained, unlimited power.

So maybe this is a naive/crazy idea...but in a presidential debate, if they are asking candidate A a question, why not shut off everyone else’s microphones? Just stop the interrupting from happening in the first place.

So as much as I hate the term...I guess in this instance of the NYT’s reporting it applies.
