
There is no there there. NO THERE THERE!

But what the hell is wrong with parents today that think this is acceptable?

she turned me onto some fairly tasty vegi ones a couple of years ago, but I forget what the brand was. Maybe they were Morningstar

Long time vegan here...

I’m positive the comments below won’t devolve into arguments about kids’ screen time, or whether iPads belong in restaurants, or whether kids belong in “non-kid-centric” restaurants. Totally, 100% confident. Not a chance.

There’s an upcharge for that.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve got a lot of those.

“Tunic and tonic”?

She is infinitely more patient than I could ever be. Had I been in her position, I would have just tore into that orange idiot and never let up. But then again, I’m a white guy, so I wouldn’t have to deal with anywhere near as much blowback as an immigrant, Muslim, woman of color would have to deal with if she reacted

Even the weakest seasons of the show had really good episodes/stories within.

The series had some rocky patches, but overall, it’s been a great run. I’ll miss it when it’s gone. It’s good that they know this is the end, so they can give the fans a good ending to the series, instead of a surprise cancellation.

Considering no one is actually holding him accountable for his actions, and he just ignores checks and balances, and the other 2 branches of government, he’s right, he pretty much does have unrestrained, unlimited power.

So maybe this is a naive/crazy idea...but in a presidential debate, if they are asking candidate A a question, why not shut off everyone else’s microphones? Just stop the interrupting from happening in the first place.

So as much as I hate the term...I guess in this instance of the NYT’s reporting it applies.


At least they didn’t file under the Kris Kobach Kommittee.

Didn’t you hear? Secret deep-state Obama operatives unleashed the mass homeless crisis as Obama left office, leaving Trump to clean up one more mess. Anything the Deep State can do to make Trump look bad, right?

(my brain hurts just writing that answer...)

Marinated Grilled Tofu can be good if done right. Make sure to press out as much moisture as you can, then give it a good marinade for 15-30+ minutes, then grill on a well oiled grill on both sides. I like to use a Jamaican Jerk marinade for mine.

If you’re just avoiding meat, go for it, but they do have eggs in them, so if you’re vegan, you should pass on these.

If you’re looking for a standard el-cheapo type hotdog without the meat though, this same company makes Smart Dogs, which are my favorite hot dogs.