
Grilled Zucchini planks and Eggplant slices are pretty great too.

Grilled peaches and pineapples are great too. While you’re grilling that black bean burger, grill a pineapple slice to add on top.

I wonder how much screen time will be devoted to collecting Gwent cards?

No, it’s easier to just CGI the mustache onto his face. They could use all the Justice League footage to copy and paste the mustache.

Neither is milk, but I would expect a product labeled “plant-based” to not have dairy products in it either.

Eggs aren’t plants, so no.

Mother Pence says seltzer water is too spicy...

When I was in college, I subsisted on nothing but ramen noodles and cereal. One day, I decided to splurge, and bought a can of store-brand tomato soup. I had the (at the time) brilliant idea to cook the ramen noodles, then add them to the tomato soup. Thus I invented Poor College Student Spaghetti. As I was cooking

So during WWII, when the US had the Japanese internment camps, is there anything about those camps that wouldn’t meet the definition of a concentration camp? Do we just call them “internment camps” now because people don’t want to admit the US had concentration camps?

I’m partial to the Doo Wop version

Maybe it wouldn’t translate as well to Spanish, but this:

Make all your customers read the Salty Waitress column. Then they will be well versed in tipping etiquette and common sense social interactions.

Honest question: are there any over-the-counter medications today that health insurance providers cover?

Dear Salty,
I was out at a diner last night. I ordered something new off the menu, gave it 2 or 3 bites, and did not eat the rest. I asked the server to take it away, but the server never asked me why I didn’t eat my entire meal. What should I do?
Socially Inept

I can confirm that there were no bears in our camp.

I have a friend from Chicago that brought a bottle of Malort along on a camping trip out in PA where I live. He’s never allowed to bring that vile stuff again...

Both large grocery chains in my area display Beyond Burgers and Beyond Sausages in the meat aisle.

Nope, not in salads, not on sandwiches/burgers, i think the only way i will eat them raw is typically in heavy dressing-type dishes like potato salad. Just never liked the taste of raw onions.

For multiple reasons most likely. Don’t like raw onions, I’m vegan, I enjoy his kids’ shenanigans...he’s got many reasons to be ashamed of me.

That’s my assumption about the movie too. Never trust Mysterio.