I’m not sure how anyone who orders “no onions” is even the same species as me
One of the greatest travesties of this game is the lack of dog petting. :(
So now, in the unlikely event I ever meet Kid Rock, I’ll have something to talk to him about.
I’ve really enjoyed this column, and really wish it had existed throughout the entire series.
So I’m assuming you mean Jon was moping, but I’d much rather see him with a mop and bucket, mopping the decimated floors of the Red Keep.
To the almond milk part of your comment, almond milk has been called "almond milk" for literally hundreds of years. There are medieval cookbooks that discuss how to make and use almond milk.
I feel like the Hound needs to lose more points.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
That Tiny Tina cosplay is awesome!
If this isn’t normal, than I don’t know what is.
Maybe I’m wrong here...but it sure looks to me that the Starbucks cup is in front of Jon Snow’s chair, not Dany’s.
Bitch, I’m Groot.
Is there nothing in life that religion won’t try to spoil???
So not only was this jerk pretending to be friends with another jerk, he was taking pictures inside a movie theater just to be a jerk to the other jerk. How sad is someone’s life that they hold onto a grudge like this, over something as pointless as the plot points of a movie? Sure, I don’t like twists/plots of things…
Bravo for this excellent, hard-hitting, investigation journalism, but even more props for that excellent header image for the article.
Dear Salty,
I was visiting friends in Denmark last year and they were getting episodes of the new Star Trek Discovery weekly on Netflix.
Is there a Nobel Prize in the field of study of Firefighting?
So I’m vegan, so I’d never get a burger at 5 Guys, but they have some of the best fries around, and I’d guess the peanut oil plays an important role in that. Gotta love the greasy brown paper bag full of fries. :D