
Possibly to make it gluten free? For some reason, a lot of people think vegan and gluten free go hand-in-hand, but I will eat the hell out of all the glutens.

In that header image, is that Doctor Aphra? I would love to play a game starring her and her pair of murder-droids.

For a lot of games that are stealth-based, I tend to forgo the stealth part, and just run-and-gun instead.

Shut up and take this money I stole from this lady.

Maybe offer a season pass option, and keep writing more about it.

There’s a severe lack of Junkrat in this post. :(

I’ve always felt that a better film version of this book would have been a Ken Burns-esque documentary, with file footage, photos, letters, eyewitness accounts from various battles/incidents discussed in the book.