
I also have a "dumb" phone. What's more, it is OFF most of the time. On our plan, I used 2 minutes and 1 text message. (My husband and his smart phone used 500 min. and 200+ text messages.)

My parents subscribed to Consumer Reports and relied heavily on its recommendations. However, my mother taught me to read WHY they did or didn't recommend a product. She sometimes bought things that they didn't recommend because what they didn't like about the product was not important to her.

Hey, at least you got a proposal. My husband (whom I love and adore to pieces) said on our third date, "When we get married..." I responded, "been there, done that, don't want to do it again." He ignored me. Six months later, after getting his high school ring and fraternity pin, I was going to pick out a place to

and go to jail!!! and/or be banned from the library forever. Ever hear of something called copyright?

My mother taught me this about buying cars. Use Consumer Reports to determine the actual cost (% of invoice). Add about $200-500 for dealer profit (and they'll get more in holdbacks and bonuses). That is your price. Period. Negotiate trade separately.

I like to cook, but don't like to do it every day. So, I have periodic "cooking for the freezer fits." I dedicate an afternoon to it. At one time, i cook"

rice freezes well, so make your own and save $$$. to reheat, just add 1-2 T water per cup and nuke it. just like freshmade.

I bought the top tier. It was from the University of Illinois Library and was already refinished. Cost about $50. The rest was found by a friend, in horrible condition (black with dirt, broken handles) and was free. I sanded it down, thus accounting for all the different colors of wood, and polyurethaned it.

I used an old library card catalog for my workbench. Works like a charm.

my mother always used thick-cut round steak in stew — mmmm, good.

i'd nominate water as the healthiest beverage.

you're absolutely right. with all the preventive rules now in effect, it's just a matter of time before they ban births—because being born has a 100% probability of death. :)

doesn't work in firefox 17.0 either

I have periodic "cooking fits" for my freezer. For instance: 2 pots of chili con carne on the stove, a beef pot roast in the pressure cooker, chicken cacciatore in the crock pot, two olive-mushroom-turkey meat loaves and a pork roast in the oven. Takes an afternoon. Put roasts in the fridge overnight for easier

keep your bread in the freezer from the start. it keeps forever.