Deadthony Spintano

The best mixed martial arts fighter of all time, and he can’t get his head out of his ass. Wanna blame the UFC for failing? They can’t get their top 2 draws on a card because one is boxing and has a hundred million, and the other one can’t choose if he wants to get popped for steroids or cocaine.

Douglas High School is really a beautiful high school, I remember always getting their newspaper and my teacher basically saying don’t worry about coming in 2nd because we couldn’t compete. They have a fucking huge auditorium too.

His album is worse than his jumpshot


Best story of the weekend nobody is really talking about. I mean he beat Shapo in straight sets. He won 3 times in two days, what a stud.

I haven’t watched the show in four years, but my mom is PISSED.

It does say that Jesus rests on the 7th day.

I’m full garbage thanks for asking

Must’ve known there was armed teachers at the school.

To me, I’d rather have an American pro have to fix his forehand than his backhand. I think Tiafoe is gonna be one of the best ones for America. Love that smile too

God no wonder your wife won’t fuck you.

I understand you were talking about November’s mid term vote. but your fallacy of “go to the polls” is ridiculous. Also, as a broward county student, you are given your voters’ registration directed by your social studies teacher, IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT. My high school helped register me once I turned 18. They all

Always baby

3 million more people voted for Clinton though..

Not too hijack this but the Florida panthers game last night was an amazing show of support. I’m obviously appalled and terrified of seeing my county get thrown all over the news and dragged through the proverbial mud by the right-wing radicals claiming crisis actors, but the show of strength and community these

What a wet sack of bullshit that guy is.

Modern Day Slavery

Shouldn’t this serve as more of a reason to subsidize D1 athletes. I mean is this not almost 21st century slavery at this point?

Strong 8 ;)