Deadthony Spintano

Greatest of all time

I mean. What do you have to say now?


Two wholesome American men. I don’t know how Cormier is going to win

I’m a knicks fan. He’s soft. He comes off reaaaal soft.

Story time:

Donald Trump uses veterans as a way to deter people away from the NFL to help his old friend promote the XFL, has anybody pressed this?

Barry fuckin Bonds not being in the HOF is such a fucking shame

Whatever they do, do not send this to Rivveron

All star game is joke. Just put the dudes in a ring and Royal Rumble.

Smart kid, eloquent and honest, wish him the best success at the next level.

What on God’s Green Earth, seems so appealing about cursing on social media, especially using racially charged expletives, like what the fuck.

What’s the O/U of how long he lives in Prison?

Not until they’re down 3-0 in the Eastern Conference Finals to the Cavs.

Is he asking for a call on the road against Golden State?

“Just this Nassar thing” is such a misdirection and so disingenuous. They allowed a man to sexually abuse girl, GIRLS for decades. AND THEY KNEW ABOUT IT. Fuck Michigan State. Fuck them. If the college was to burn down tomorrow the only thing I would cry is tears of joy. Seriously, fuck them.

KD needs to get a fucking mirror. Holy Jesus the lack of self awareness

It’s basically the WWE.


I think we just need him to wear a breitbart patch. Talk about real ballsy.