Hi. My name is John and sometimes I get hangry.
Hi. My name is John and sometimes I get hangry.
Excuse me folks for being bold, but that was one fart I just couldn’t hold. I’d rather fart and die in shame than bust a gut and die in pain. ~Anonymous
Happy Ending tax deductions would rule.
The nations blood supply safety is much more important than the LGBT agenda..thank God.
It’s another motivational tool like with dieting and exercising.
Be aware that those mesh bottom chairs will amplify your farts...so I am told.
When I’m doing CPRs I only jam to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Should have been this. Nov different because have paid some bills of course.
This is all I do. List month and bills in order they are paid.
Benoist is gorgeous and so is Flockhart..wow. I love the show.
I went to OTA TV watching back in 2007 and have not missed having cable, which I felt was overpriced...same story as most here. We are slowing moving towards internet TV anyway.
Just say no to yoga ; ).
For weight training, my goal is muscle tone, etc, so I only use low weight dumbells at 10 to 20 pounds each. For the average person not in competitive sports, this is about all that is needed to get toned, build some muscle to increase metabolism and improve physique. The notion that we must always go up on weights is…