
The fight scenes got better over the run of the show. That might have been rooted in the character, who had never had to actually fight for his life in Kun-Lun.

It was not female friendly according to someone at my co-op, that's as deep as I go.

I don't know, after seeing him tag team it with Davos and later fight against Davos, I started to think he can actually fight.

Hey look everyone, even Finn Jones understands that Danny the character has a lot of growing up to do.

It's divisive, but I also love "Help me Rhonda." Even I Get Around is a gem.


I just read his review. It seems like he actually watched Iron Fist, and it's a pretty informative review.

Congratulations. You should make a plaque saying: "James Woods blocked me on Twitter" with the date.

That's cause he's an asshole.

I don't think she needs or wants Mueller's money.

They can but from what I understand the CGI Vin Diesel stunts in XXX 3 looked terrible.

By the end of Iron Fist he was looking a lot better.

I think he means hate blogging on Iron Fist, which appears to be compulsory.

The point is that Danny is both a little spoiled and a little naïve-at the same time he was also kind of abused in Kun-Lun. They did a pretty good job with it, although I don't think that Finn Jones did much to help Danny's characterization.

Which critic?


Sort of. Davos was great, Bakuto was not so great. Ward and Joy were great casting, Harold was amazing casting, and Danny was, okay.

Agreed, but personally I also liked the first two, I'm a sucker for stranger in a strange land stories.

Iron Fist's fight scenes got better and better over the season-Spoilers below*- but you are right, compared to the comics, he's pretty pedestrian. Still, the storyline they were going with is that despite his training, he was still a noob (if people say that anymore) and need some real world combat experience.

You aren't the only one at all. I like it and a lot of gathered data from Netflix indicates a lot of other people did too. You just aren't supposed to admit liking Iron Fist if you write a blog. And I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, to the extent that I haven't watched the other shows much, except Luke