Most impressive
Most impressive
The Devil's Share for me. Fusco, Fusco, Fusco. That's when he cemented himself as my favorite character. And Elias avenging Carter.
Now that this is gone, there not a show that I love left on TV. I need to see all of the major characters on my TV screen soon - a movie here or there won't satisfy it for me. There were no surprise cameos (not counting Grace). I'm surprised, happily surprised, that Reese was the only one that didn't make it. To…
I was sad until …. but then I was very happy! Sad that it's gone but happy that it lived. RIP POI …
Definitely Fusco. The Devil's Share. Zoe.
Time for the grand finale or the end …
The Machine
Wasn't happy when I saw that.
I love seasons 1-4. Season 5 …. Not that it's bad but, it's just not in the rewatch rotation. Will always love this show and the music from it.
It's still going on. We're throwing crap against the wall for the finale.
Sarah vs Smooth Lau! My favorite is Chuck vs the Push Mix - The fight on the Volkoff ship, Chuck and Volkoff at the cabin, and Ellie has the baby!
Maybe off screen they got a message to Leon to feed it some more bonds.
Yes! Chuck is my favorite show of all time. I was just watching clips on Youtube this past weekend. Might pull out the DVDs and rewatch during the summer.
I got to meet him a long time ago when I went to my sister's company Christmas party. One of her coworkers tried to shake his hand and he just pointed to him, smiled, said "Alright!" and kept walking. Still laugh about that to this day.
Sadly, I don't see that happening. Although, I still hold out hope that they all make it knowing that it won't happen.
I'll be there.
I feel you. There were a few shows (Lost, Chuck, Fringe) where I became personally attached to the characters and when the shows ended, it hurt. I'll feel that way next Tuesday.
We'll all need to monitor you next Tuesday. Of course, who's gonna monitor us? I don't think I'll be happy no matter how it ends. Because it will be over …
Lionel will take him home to his son.
Sadly, I think he may be the only one. Hopefully he takes Bear.