Did I miss the Sam Hinkie hire news? He's moved "The Process" from the Sixers to ABC.
Did I miss the Sam Hinkie hire news? He's moved "The Process" from the Sixers to ABC.
To the pain!
And it's usually the man who finishes to quickly.
Root as Lionel was sublime.
The POI reviews are up … you happy now, bitch?
- The Bunk
I was watching it at my folks house and said to my mother, "so Daisy's MacGyver now."
So Hive isn't Ward, he's the other Ward.
Because you gotta have FAIIIITTTTHHHHHUGGGRRR!
I noticed that. She's a bit younger in Agent Carter than I thought.
But he will get knocked out.
I made sure I saw Civil War on Friday so I wouldn't be spoiled on AoS and boy that was a good idea. Spoiled in the first minute. I was at my parents house last night and I watched with my mother. I'm trying to listen to the show as she goes on and on about Talbot - he looks like Hitler! (I know). His name is…
… only when your team doesn't lose the game.
And they didn't even get up 3-1 to lose in their regular fashion. They decided to switch it up this year.
They kept feeling fascination.
If that's what's happening on the Upper Floor, I'd hate to know what's going on downstairs.
While I do love that movie, it could have lost 30 minutes and been okay.
What is this Nashville stuff? You mean General's Hospital's Lucky Spencer right? And yes, Natasha was lovely.
When in doubt, blame it on Samaritan. Love the Samaritan intro.
Saw this comment - "Yay a Benson reference." Saw Pat D's comment - "Boo! It's an Olivia Benson reference not a Benson Benson reference."
I should of placed some money on my idea that the first two comments I see will be about the lack of a POI review. First CBS denies us and now AVClub! You're on notice folks! Get it together!