Agree. When she said "Drain me", dirty thoughts came to mind.
Agree. When she said "Drain me", dirty thoughts came to mind.
Made me think of the bump at the end of the Brooklyn 99 episodes - "Not a doctor. Shhh."
Of everything that happened last night, that was the one thing that made me nervous. They better not touch Lionel! It was weird catching the reruns of S1 and seeing the Fusco of the early episodes.
I like how Samaritan immediately changed her name in the system when she said it.
I got to watching AoS late and stopped in the middle, watched POI, and went back to AoS. I just couldn't wait. I really like AoS, but I love POI.
I was just so happy to be watching a new episode that it could have been just Team Machine doing song and dance numbers and I would have loved it!
Hate that Walter (about to call him Henry - damn you Sleepy Hollow!) had to make the sacrifice instead of September but it was expertly done.
Thanks. I knew I recognized him being on the show before but couldn't remember when.
I rarely watch shows all the way through when they air but I watched this last night. Watching it after all this time and it seems like it never left! Unfortunately, it will leave for good too soon.
I like how John and Root disdainfully looked at the cameras almost (and in Root's case actually) taunting Samaritan. I was surprised when John's classification as Enemy Combatant changed back to his Riley classification as Non Threat.
Now come on. We all want a happy ending for everyone but I'm sure one or more of them won't make it to the final credits. I'm already not happy about it.
I was flipping through the channels last week and I came upon Root getting her implant. The doc was spouting off about waiting for the ear to heal and doing test. She immediately heard from Her and said, "No, I'm good" and left.
You too! I know wayyy to much about 1970s-90s soap operas than a middle age black man should! My mother stayed at home and that's what she watched.
NLF is gonna rock you!
Is that you Blair?
No, because they'll be busy working on it. What "it" is, I have NO idea. But whatever "it" is, I'm sure it's BIG!
It's always weird when I see WMC with her normal hair.
What are three TV shows and an old Don Johnson video?
Something about Playboy and a snake.
I was looking through the shows scheduled on my DVR for the next week and saw POI is coming on Tuesday. HOW DID I MISS THIS NEWS!!!!