Mr T's Commandments

I believe it's "Do U Eva Laugh?"

And just like that, she's the new Farrah Fawcett.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this. I would have spit it all over my laptop!

She's the reason people are mentioning Farrah. Imagine the person that dies the same day as McCartney.

Damn. I forgot that Sir George Martin just died last month!

I've seen more mentions of Farrah Fawcett today than the day she died. I guess for the rest of time she'll be the poster child of the famous person who dies within the 24 hours prior to an icon passing.

I think I was more excited when I heard that than the rest of the movie!

Has anybody heard from the lead singer of Mr Mister? Or is it Mister Mr?

I was gonna type this.

Ha! Now the folks in the office are looking at me funny.

Exactly. Will there be anyone else left by the end of the year?!

The thought that all of us had when we heard the news.

It's funny (sad funny) that all of us 80's kids want to know the whereabouts and health status of Madonna and Bruce. Mike and Prince can jam for some years before you need to call the other two home.

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad
Sometimes I wish that life was never ending
But all good things they say never last ….
Love isn't love until it's past.
Maybe he knew 30 years ago that he would die in April. Damn that's was a sad song in 1986.

Surf II. I guess it doesn't count because there was actually no Surf I (I hope someone on this thread has seen this movie). In movies that someone has actually seen, Fletch Lives!

Agree, if you can get the No Mary Cut, it's a decent movie. It's seen as wretched because it's compared to the first two which were two of the greatest movies ever made.

Once, I killed the time while getting my car fixed by going to see Don't Be a Menace While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. I was the ONLY PERSON IN THE THEATER. I could've watched it butt naked and no one would have known. That was also a horrible, horrible movie.

As I share a birthday with Flavor Flav and Erik Estrada, I'm envious of everyone else's celebrity birthday mates.

Loved that freaking movie which I call Top Gun - the Prequel as it featured Maverick, Slider, and Cougar.

Hell, I know that while she was singing, Louden was turning down the ribs that Mr Tanneran offered him before Carla came up, he introduced her to his teacher, and they danced. Sorry, that's my favorite movie.