Mr T's Commandments

Did you destroy their Dirty Dancing Betamax tape?

That's season 3.

And Bev's horrified reaction.

Hopefully he'll be wearing his Jabba's palace guard outfit. Maybe they can get his old friend Diahann Carroll or Diana Ross (like the Boss would ever deign to do a TV movie) to be his lead singer.

Nothing like a good Expose reference!

That Gregory Hines line made me laugh more than it should have. Barry going on about Kenny Loggins just made me think of Archer.

Python's Revenge? Is that the one where Python gets a boat and tries to force Meat to marry his daughter? Never saw it.

I found out why I've been so successful as an adult - I got plenty of surprise ass whoopings. And that's despite finding out about Peabo Bryson.

Buy Gay Perry wasn't actually gay.

My favorite line of the night was a typical Holt comeback. When Jake said he could walk on the darkside because he was 30 minutes late.
"So you're bragging about being a bad employee?"

That's the follow up to Growing Pains. Too soon?

He's the one actor that I'm actually afraid of. He just may actually be Satan. That's why it looks so effortless when he portrays him.

Molly: "You only won one game last year and that's because the other team forfeited cause their bus broke down."
Principal Nipsey: "and you should have seen the victory party (looking wistfully into space)"
He wanted his damn victory parties!

That would be Sir LL of Cool J

But that Cary Grant movie didn't have TK Carter.

You would have had some great victory parties!

She was Love Boat famous like Charo.

I always contend that this is his best album although Thriller was ungodly more successful.

I was watching the part about the Dolphins loss knowing that they were going to give some insight on the SB Shuffle video. Still waiting …. I would like the explanation about why that wasn't included. One of the biggest stories from that year.

I guess they only featured the guys that they could get to do it. Surprised Gault wasn't on it.