Mr T's Commandments

True. All in the Family was on it's last legs by that point but still solid. The less said about Archie Bunker's Place the better. CBS was great from the NFL Today with Brent Musburger and the crew all the way through prime time. At least during football season.

Happy Birthday Jean Pargetter!


That Sunday night line up with All in the Family, One Day at a Time, The Jeffersons, Alice, and Trapper John MD was killer. But soon Thursday night on NBC took over.

For a second, as he just stood there with Fitz yelling at him to come on, I thought he was going to stay. I was wondering how they were going to work that storyline.

He wouldn't like being so low cause he ain't all that humble.

Awwwww. Charlie and Boone have the same birthday.

Third. Bugs may be the greatest American actor period.

It's funny that I loved this show as a kid and didn't miss an episode but I couldn't for the life of me remember what day it came on. The show lost a lot when John Amos was let go and that season without Florida was horrible. No combination of Keith/Carl/Bookman/Penny could make up for the loss of James.

I'd rather watch Bugs Bunny than most of the shows that are on now!


So it's Chuck without the spy stuff and just focused on the Buy More. No thanks.

I clicked on the link thinking this was a story about the TV show Killjoys. Damn killjoys.

I'm surprised that no mention was made to the similarities in plot to Episode IV - the ship being pulled into the Imperial station, the two heroes being dressed as stormtroopers to perform a rescue, someone going into the station to disable the beam that pulled them in. Even the escape with the other ships in pursuit

Barry's toast was awesome. Also, I love it when Bev goes full sailor! Please somebody make a video of her cursing.

Her career has never been the same since the whole cheating on Dennis Quaid scandal. Of course that was about the same time that her face …. her face … I can't think of the words to describe it.

For someone who records Red Zone on Sunday if I'm out to make sure I don't miss watching anything, I can't see myself watching this game. But one season, I relunctantly watch Cleveland play some sorry team, I can't remember if it was the Jags or Titans, but it was one of the greatest games that I've ever seen. You

I saw the words "Christmas Incorporated" and read "Kids Incorporated"

The only time I watch it is the 60 seconds or so that ends up at the beginning of the DVR recording of the show that follows it.

I mean if you can't wash a pig in it don't even show it to me! Walk with me, talk with me.