
this show just keeps getting better and better. amazing episode, definetely deserving of an A

The gaad, the bad, and the ugly

"did you shoot him?"
"did you choke him?"
"then what seems to be the problem?"

allison tolman was nominated just under supporting actress not lead

agreed. that's essentially waht ive had to do to watch this season. a lot of people are getting mad about people complaining louie isn't funny anymore, but while i love this season of louie, i don't think those complaints are unfounded. i watch a lot of tv shows that are comedies and a lot of dramas. when im in the

depends on the parent. if they've smoked pot as a kid as well they'll probably be more likely to be more understanding. i know parents who let their kids smoke weed. and they're not like negligent parents who don't give a shit what they're kids are doing, they just know their kids are gonna do it anyways and recognize

i was hoping we would get jon meeting with mance and stannis's epic moment in episode 9. i think it wouldve been a really cool way to end the episode and otherwise it's gonna get buried under all the other twists in the finale.

good point. i'm really curious to know exactly what went down between maggie and beth though. i hope we get more of that next week

hmmm hadn't thought about that. that's interesting as well. maybe the prolethians have origins in the military as well though

i think she joined the prolethians then found out about the clones, and then was torn between the two parties and maybe that's why she killed herself. maybe maggie wanted to take her to that farm and do to her what they did to helena, or maybe it was just a disagreement or something. the show will definetely have some

am i the only one who really liked this episode? also why does it seem like nobody is talking about what i thought was the biggest moment of the episode aka tony's message to beth? maybe i am way off base but i took that to mean paul and beth are prolethians, and the message was to inform beth that paul was "of the

"he looks like he just got done taking a shit and then decided he wasn't finished."

i think i love seinfeld too much to agree with you on this being the best role of her life, but she is hilarious as selina.

yea there seemed to be a lot of calls to real politics in this episode. the legitimate holes was also defientely supposed to be calling back to the legitimate rape scandal

furlong was great. "he looks like he just finished taking a shit and then decided he wasn't done yet." "I got three f's for you, you're fucked, you fucking…fucker!"

every time maddox said holes i started laughing harder than i had previously had and by the end i was crying laughing. even if they didn't have that rant though, this would still be an A episode. so many good moments. the new guy with the plug and his water spilling was hilarious as well. veep somehow became the

i know im really late to this as ive been slacking on my tv show but i thought that emotional blow-up between jay and mitchell wasn't really earned, which is a shame because that could have been the equivalent of the ending of the one where alex sees that psychiatrist about mid way through the season if the build up

they're both drunks i'm pretty sure. i agree hitchcock and scull are definetely polk and mahon

braugher needs an emmy for this role pronto

yea i was suprised both by that turn of events and the fact this review didn't mention it. if flynt actually did try to murder him, then holy shit. i didn't think this show would go that dark with what is essentially the main character. if handled right, i appreciate the boldness.