
Orange man is green with envy? 

CAB - Crime bill, Anita and Busing... Yeah, Joe - we know.. and we don’t like what we know...

Does anyone even care what Guliani thinks? 

Calling yourself the “first” and recording the first record is not proof you invented jazz....

Kirsten - this is an outstanding article...Sorry I just got around to reading it today...

I’m sure that stance and outfit is how women come to be pregnant - just so you know....

In bodybuilding, you have call outs for those still in the running. The rest walk off stage. Warren, Booker, Castro - please move forward. The rest, exit stage left. 

Jason - I’m from Philly.. nobody but outsiders eat cheese whiz on their cheese steaks or chicken cheese steaks... Just so you know..

IMO, Kamala has the same problem many candidates have: an exposure issue. Biden, Sanders and Warren are white Senators who were introduced to the American public way before they decided to run. Because “electability” is the buzzword for 2020 (previously it was looking presidential) those three will get the

A Haitian also founded Chicago: Jean-Baptist-Point Du Sable

I don’t know any brother who had a jheri curl when I was growing up who isn’t bald today... Seems more than a coincidence to me (things that make you go hmmm..)

Michael - where were the muslims when Black people’s voting rights were being suppressed and our children shot down in the streets? I participated in BLM protests and viewed other marches across the nation and I don’t recall a significant muslim presence or public support from one of their recognized organizations...