
“This behavior” Unbelievable how you can generalize these actions to represent the whole city. It’s a shame. So simple minded. Were you a LEO in Baltimore? Was it in the 1990's or early 2000's? Because I’d be scared as all fuck to head into downtown Baltimore in those times, same way I’d be scared to walk through

The mayor fired a cop because he used a racial slur? Good for him. We should be removing racists from law enforcement, that’s for sure. Thanks for the reference! Don’t call me racist please baby, it hurts.

If you think Boston has more racial issues than the rest of the country, then I’ll continue on thinking you Texans shoot your wives more often than the rest of the country. But, like I said to the dude who I said that to, I think we’re on the same team. Let’s not generalize as much as we can eh?

Sorry, it’s tough to keep track of who responds to what sometimes. I am so extremely sorry. It would take you quite a long time to read what I’ve wrote... at a minimum 10 minutes. Anyway, fuck you. Baltimore is 5x more racist than Boston. Fuck Tom Brady too. Go jets.

Lol, if you check above I was having a nice chat with a fellow who has a black wife, who is heading to the Sox game tonight with his black father in law and half black son. I told him I’m heading to the game tonight as well, with my brother and my black sister in law. Go check out our discussion, it’s quite civil!

Fuck the Patriots more than Trump

I take your point. I think we’re on the same team here. You’re a southerner and you get upset when people refer to the south as racist. I get upset when I hear Boston referred to as racist. We’re fighting the same problem. Racism is everywhere, and that’s the problem. But when you say you talked to a guy from boston

You can disregard the point I made about the way the laws are set up and how hate crime laws weren’t in place during the time period given that easily huh?

So we can then safely assume 75% of Boston sports fans are racist assholes then.

now, they can’t all be racist right? can i get a rough estimation on the % of those 100 who are blatantly racist

All I can say is that there is racism everywhere, including Boston, and most people from Boston would have the racists ousted if they could. Maybe it’s because I don’t brush shoulders with many Boston racists I’m blinded by the good people. But I do believe it’s an unwarranted belief that the city is inherently

Curious, how many Boston sports fans do you know?

Agreed. It is silly to consider an entire city “racist”, especially if it’s based on say.... a drunk fan yelling shit at an opposing player. He should be kicked out of the park, never allowed back in, in order to avoid this reprehensible shit.

You’re not a racist, and that means the rest of the south isn’t racist.
But because the redsox were the last team to integrate Boston is racist?
Think about what you’re saying before you type out that nonsense.

Regarding to racism? Or just the whole Go Sawx Brady Rules thing ?

I was referring to another commenter who cited the way Bill Russell was treated in those years as an example of Boston’s inherent racism.

I share you curiosity and your sentiment. I’ll be at the game tonight as well, excited to see Sale in person! I’ll be with my brother and sister in law, who is black! Seeing as we’ll be in Boston, I’m sure if we notice another interracial couple walking around it could only be the two of us on here! I’ll look for you!

Just a thought, is it possible those numbers could be tainted because of other influences? Like the requirements for a crime to be considered a hate crime? Why don’t you look up how many hate crimes recorded in Georgia over the last five decades? I’ll tell you. Zero. Because there are no hate crime laws. The two

Well he’s from Texas, it’s what a lot of people from Texas do. Whether it’s in a drunken rage, or a drunken accident, or what have you. I’m not trying to convert him to thinking people from Boston are good people. He has obviously made up his mind on that. I just figured I could hit him with a stereotype and see what

A racist?
Or just what a person from Boston is like in your head?