
I said metro area. DFW is 4th: http://bit.ly/fbD4cn

Not sure where you're finding the people you hang with, but you might try diversifying your crowd. In a metro area of 6.5 million people, I think there might be people who are interested in things besides shopping, drinking, bbq or complaining about black people.

That's interesting, I've never lived in the suburbs of Dallas (and I actually don't live in Texas anymore!). Sorry you're in hell there, but I do think the city is what you make of it.

I lived in Dallas for several . It's actually an amazing city, full of things to do. Unfortunately I think a lot of people confuse the culture and politics of some of the more conservative/new money suburbs with the culture of Dallas, and they're absolutely not the same.

Gotta say, usually I'm a bit eannnh about the thigh posts, but this one's good!

I dunno, I'm getting a bit more Schiaparelli/Dali than Warhol from some of these (especially the close-ups if you look on Style.com)

Yeah, I mean I guess I'm glad no one is able to Google Image Search my hair and critique it, BUT:

I dunno, it just seems like that Walk a Mile in Her Shoes bullshit which does absolutely nothing except make a spectacle around serious issues.

OK, let me jump in here and say that I totally agree MJ is WAY overrated, but: Michael Kors has the worst fitting clothes of all time.

a goth grown up and still a goth

With the explosion of bullshit fake-fancy bro bars with bottle service in downtown Austin (remember the shark under the dancefloor that died?) and all the horribly tacky Domain-dwellers, I think it might go over just fine.

Easily The Golden Girls. In fact, when I'm laying on my deathbed, all I'll need to comfort me is a cold Diet Coke, a morphine drip and a Golden Girls marathon to count me out.

Well, as a gay guy, I can tell you I'm a bit on the tallish side (6'3") and I've always ended up with guys right around my height, give or take a few inches. I did have a brief fiasco with someone that was 5'7", and it just felt odd being intimate with someone that short, though I think the reason it ended had more to

"You were brought up right"

Oh I've encountered it and I'm certainly aware of it's existence. But I guess I just assumed mainstream hetero porn would be similar to mainstream gay porn is all. Bareback porn isn't the norm (whatever that is) in gay porn.

I would hope so, yeah. I'm not THAT old (31), but it still seems like everyone, especially my fellow gays, have gotten quite complacent and dismissive of the importance of condom usage and HIV education since I first came out and was sexually active (late teens - late 90s).

Let me project my own biases onto something so I don't have to find out the real story myself!

It's not just juices, they're providing food as well. Why is it so difficult for you to parse the text of the actual article?

Oh I understand that there's plenty of bareback porn around. It's just such a niche-y, small subset of gay porn, whereas mainstream gay porn utilizes condoms. I guess I figured it would be the same with straight porn.

And please see my response to Tyrannosaurus where I pointed out that the only people mentioning weight loss in this entire thing is the editorializing of the author of this post. And of course the commenters.