
As a merchant for a larger retailer (non-apparel FYI), I can tell you that merchants and buyers don't cut specific sizes, SKUs or colorways just on a whim. They do it purely to hit sales and margin goals, and to ensure there's a retail story that is accessible to the maximum number of customers possible.

Oh, but that's exactly what they are. Historically, they were ways to set up newlywed couples - who often went straight from living with their parents to living as a married couple - with the necessities of a home. But as people are getting married later, often after living independently (or even together), it's

To be fair, I think putting a list together of "things I want/expect people to buy me just because I'm getting married" is infinitely more douchey/entitled than buying someone something off their gimme-list.

I'm constantly amazed at how self-righteous and morally smug people can be.

Really impressed by a Subaru-driving man who looks like a craggy-faced Skeletor with poofy hair criticizing the looks of others. Those in busted-face-glass houses shouldn't throw image-critiquing stones.

I posted this word-for-word on Clashtalk, but I'll copy here:

It looks like two used pontoon boat salesmen who hit their sales goals for the year, won a free trip to a Sandals(tm) resort, and went a bit too heavy with the free margaritas. You can almost hear their chunky "businessman" watches clacking together as they grab each other.

The internet has turned a whole generation of people into the most vulgar of oversharers imaginable. It's absolutely mindblowing how many people feel the need to share the most intimate details of their sex life with their boring spouses, to National Geographic-level document every diaper they change on their ugly

Any structured corset thing belongs to Thierry Mugler. They all (including McQueen's) seem derivative of his.

Oh hell, is this where we post our cat pictures?

No, liking bacon doesn't make you an obese hick living in a flyover state. It's just this bacon-as-a-thing nonsense is so worn down, like an old Festiva sputtering out of gas - yet people are still trying to push it to the next exit.

It's a goddamn pork food product, not a cultural movement.

Is this bacon "thing" really not over yet?

Disclaimer: I'm a man.

I'm glad you're willing to cede so many of the rights you have to make decisions about your own property in the name of "taste" - oh and of course in the name of telling your neighbors what they should be able to do with their property - you know, property that isn't yours.

Borders on? I think it's absolutely bodysnarking.

True story: my brother's ex-girlfriend was a waitress at Golden Corral. One summer she flipped her Sebring convertible (not her fault, someone hit her), was thrown out and went skidding down the highway. She wasn't too terribly injured, though she did

I know she's kind of a terrible person, but MAN is she an amazing model.

THANK you. I think it's really narcissistic - basically the pinnacle of attention whoredom = to "put on" one of these public, cutesy proposals.

How delightfully sexist, backwards and horrible.