Juan Oxido

Just Walk Away! Its mine! I need a new ride as my last one got a bit jammed up.

I would think the glare would be murder

@JuanOxido: I guess no Wikipedia image linking

While it did come late 90's, the TJ was such an improvement over the YJ you gotta go Jeep!

Well don't just stan around, un-pak that dirt!

@albiondm: Hell yeah, Stone, Dog Fish Head and Avery to name a few.

Pri-ja-ha! Funny!

Distortion field does

Number Thirty Two

@telkinsjr: That and the endless possibilities for buildup make for a great learning experience for any skill level.

Their site is FANTASTIC!

I can't wait for the internet to crash

Is that really were the front licence bracket is? I'd take my chances and run without it.