@Selcouth14: + 28: There will be no dog food for Victor tonight..
@Selcouth14: + 28: There will be no dog food for Victor tonight..
'Light works' he said, indicating the window. 'Gravity works' he said, dropping a pencil on the floor. 'Anything else we have to take our chances with.'
They've spelled it with an 'i' so it should work out better for them than the Foleo did for Palm..
The photographers at Playboy have been using this trick for years... er, I mean I think someone told me that or I read it somewhere once...
I'm no clothing designer but stuff like this makes it difficult to gauge what is fashionable these days...
Surprised he's not taking credit for inventing crazy...
@BeefSupreme: No, but he had a hand in it..
@p4w4rr10r: Actually it looks more like she reached down and turned off his 'magnet'.. or perhaps cranked it up to 11
@JrsyDevil's Advocate®: If @OMG! Ponies! was here he'd be Force choking the shit out of some of you right now..
All we need now is caffeinated bacon, baconated grapefruit and Admiral Crunch, then the circle will be complete...
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I wonder if it has a horn that plays Dixie?
Looks more like it's from the 1870's....
Watch out for El Chupa Nibre coming out next..
Sorry Ice T. Hammer-Timing an Apple laptop is yesterday's news...
So what exactly is that little girl measuring while standing in front of her father??
@sam-a: Uhhhh... well it's not the first one.
I bought one this year and it wasn't made by Apple.