JrsyDevil's Advocate®

@yertle: It's now called IAmGone.

"My guess is that whoever was stuck reviewing DuckPhone really hates Jersey Shore"

@rpjrugby: OneNote 2007 works with Crossover Office.

Now playing

You young whipper-snappers. This was the best Star Trek game ever!

Kirk will do battle with an amalgamation of Picard & Khan. Venting his rage Kirk will cry out..

Picard would be so busy trying to use diplomacy to avoid fighting that he'd get pummeled by Kirk's ham-fists before he even knew what hit him.

@1112: And they were still late to the party then too.

"Microsoft Urges Users to Ditch Internet Explorer 6, XP"

Pretty cool although the majority of what's left of my VHS collection is comprised of dupes so I don't have that many neat covers to choose from.

Loose laces lose races..

@aja175: The main reason the Mom & Pop print shops are dying off is due to the decline of film processing and printing. Secondary to that is the proliferation of nation wide retails store chains that also provide photo finishing services.

I wonder if this had anything to do with that weird text message I got a while back. It was sent from no number and yet it told me that I had four voicemails waiting for me.

@TriGun5312: I know it was reattached and that he made a porno afterwards. I said 'replace' as in getting an entirely new tool. He didn't get a replacement. He got his original tool back and was damn lucky at that.

He should be happy. At least she didn't pull a Lorena Bobbitt on the one tool that can't be replaced...

This is awesome but all I can think about is how cool that red icon is. It's like the Dark Side of the Force OS.