
I had to re-enter my password randomly within the past 2 hours. Chrome flashed at my in my app drawer, I re-entered my password, and voila!

GV has the ability to schedule which phones ring at a particular time. A nice set and forget feature. You can always deactivate a phone if you don't want it to ring there. For example, my home phone only rings in the dead middle of the night because I don't want any beeping coming from my phone and nobody ever calls

Google Voice truly handles one-to-many phone calling better than any other service.

This hack makes Google Now actually usable on my T-Mobile S1 Vibrant running CM10.1!! FINALLY!!

This is a similar hack that iPhone users noticed around iOS4, I believe. Not saying anyone or anything is better than anyone/thing else. Just noting.

Pulse lacks one HUGE feature. Pulse does not have a "mark as read" system. It displays your entire feed whether you've read things or not. For those of us who get several hundreds of new posts per day through feeds this is a deal breaker. Pulse's FAQ states that their research indicates that readers don't want this

Ok, you're a total geek for knowing the type of car they use.

So what you're saying is that you 100% agree with all the stuff you 100% agree with?

Can you provide an update on this? My Vibrant running CM10 doesn't have a ton of room on it.

The iPhone is for people who can't make decisions on their own. Hard not to recommend it for morons.

Ditto, it was my first as well.

It amazes me how long ago I was using Samsung. It was the SCH-3500 on Sprint.

I'm totally doing the manifesto thing. I'm facing a major career change. My reasons for doing it have to deal with a personal manifesto of sorts, but I've never actually written it down. It's just something I've talked about and believed. Writing it down will certainly keep me focused, on the why while I deal with the

I'm not saying he's wrong. But "most people I know" and "take me, for instance" are false logical reasoning.

The perfect example of something cool that really wasn't necessary. I filter off just about every incoming email address into a label/folder so it doesn't hit my inbox. I don't like getting pinged on my phone and tablet whenever I get a Constant Contact email. So the tab feature is completely worthless for me. I'm

You had me at asshat.

In one scenario:

As the article mentions, this changes based on your goals. Example, right now I can't even think about the things I WANT to do because of the things I MUST do. I have $30k in student loans, a $144k mortgage, 2 kids, and a spouse that stays home because the kids aren't school age. WANT? Pfft. I wish I had the resources

I use Money Manager Ex. Yes, it's not all "chock full of cloudy yummies" but it's small, uses common export file formats, and can live in a personal cloud (i.e. offline external hard drive).

You can always delay a shipment if you find a better price that's temporary. Amazon doesn't change your price if you delay.