
Like I've been saying about Google+ for a long time. The only reason nobody is using Google+ is because nobody is using Google+. Google+ is superior in almost every way. But people won't use it until people use it.

You forgot the Macbook, Macbook Pro, Mac mini, iMac, Mac Pro, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.

Venus is hotter, says this straight guy.

Nice photoshop job, except that there's no way the water could ever be that clear. The picture would look like my toilet about 12 hours after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos and an all-night rave.

I've thought for a while that the future of travel either on ground or in space will be linked to electromagnetism somehow. I'm not an engineer or astrophysicist, so I can't tell you how it's going to work. But if you could basically harness the power of a magnet you could repulse a body away from something like, say,

Sadly, I was still on Vista. But I was going from 32-bit to 64-bit so I needed to do a full upgrade to W8Pro. I still consider it an upgrade though it was a total refresh.

Don't worry, we'll all end up paying the same amount of money for new Windows OSes. They'll just do it incrementally and give very little for free.

Noted omission from Mr. Fanboy's post: "the world hated his creation" does not equal "I have the opinion that something Apple put out was less than worship-worthy" #callingoutfanboys

For the vast minority of people who would even take the time to consider that something like this might exist, I think the android developers will be fine. Any developer would be stupid to stop developing free apps for 75% of the market just because a small percent of those users block ads.

If you don't want to hear ads on Pandora and don't want to shell out the cash for Pandora One like me you can do what I did. Use Google Play Music. It works exactly the same as Pandora but it streams the music you already own. The only downside is the speed and bandwidth used to upload the music. That's a one-time

For one they could be forced to give up information to a government entity. "Demand first, DON'T apologize later" is most government bodies' mantrae. Imagine you're at a club one night where someone like Kim Dot Com is also. There's a picture of you giving him the "thumbs up" but you have no idea who he is. Suddenly


35 years old here. I remember not being able to maintain a relationship with someone who lived 30 minutes away because we could only talk on the phone and it was long distance. Get some perspective.

Don't feed the trolls, everyone. This dude/tte fully admits that s/he doesn't understand. T-Mo still offers the best speed/cost ratio of anyone out there and has the best pre-paid plans by a long shot. Their customer service sucks mostly because it barely exists in the US. But if you never have a problem, like the

All I could find was this one, and some reviewers complained of AirPush nonsense. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jakubd.fakewp8

Actually he's now the most popular Apple employee in the world beyond Apple employees and people named Sam Biddle.

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Dear CEO, you're f-ing super hero for bringing to light something that your insignificant underlings already know. Moron. I've been trying to get a WFH arrangement for years to no avail. And it's not just "my company." I've had three different jobs over this time and been a contractor before that. Most companies are