
I always take the Mission Impossible approach. TELL NO ONE. ALL MESSAGES SELF DESTRUCT. This is why it's important to build a professional network outside your company. When coworkers move on, don't let the relationship die. They will be your references someday.

Keep LinkedIn up to date at least once per month. Just change something so it shows up on your cowoerker's feed. Once they see you updating often enough then it won't look weird.

The math is wrong. After being shown the losing door the odds are now 50%. You have 2 choices. Pick or stick. Only 2. I learned that's 50% in 5th grade.

Uhh, yeah, cuz the dead feel no pain.

I found the apps available to automate incomplete. For example, I wanted to run a particular volume profile from Volume Master at a certain time every day. I couldn't choose this, unless I wasn't holding it right or something.

Open letter to all Giz bloggers:

I will never understand why people think that hockey pucks are beautiful or any other synonym of beautiful. They're not unpleasant to look at, but that's about as far as I'll go.

Umm, no. I'd pay FB to have LESS of my data available to people. Not more.


Once again you prove that you have no ability to offer an objective review of an Apple product. I only needed to read the following sentences to know that your review won't be worth my time: "The whiners, the babies, the cranky zealots who think it's boring, or disappointing, or not different enough? They don't

Apple has always been "it just works" which is precisely why users adopt Apple products and pay the premium. When they cease to "just work" users will start using the more powerful and less expensive alternatives. You can tout the improvements to Siri all you want, but she's already lost people. Beta is for testers

Agreed. Packer fan here.

Dude, you need a beer.

Apple proved you can patent rounded corners. The clock has 360 of them. LITIGATE!

Fanboys, on your marks, get set, (wait for it!!) ...

Wait, a professed Apple Fanboy thinks non-Apple phones suck? How can this be?? #trolling

Oh GAWD! As a Packer fan from near Green Bay who now lives in the Twin Cities, all I could do is laugh at this entire post. The team I choose to cheer for is awesome. You're an unapologetic jealous Vikings fan bastard. Please keep ranting. I was crying laughing when I read this.