
Right? I would still rather build my own

Right? I would still rather build my own

Damn. I knew it!

Aaaaand now I definitely don’t need to buy a WiiU

I have the same philosophy about the virtual boy

I have the same philosophy about the virtual boy

Underpaid IT guy here. I don’t even have any monitoring software installed currently and when the boss asks I just come back a week later and say “sorry, I couldn’t find anything. Have you tried speaking to them about their productivity directly?”

Metroid 3: Metroid Harder

Bummer. Sold Out

Bummer. Sold Out

Al Gore is pissed right now

Yeah, that’s why I played as the Paladin mom.

I was once like you. Now I’m 34 with a mortgage and a wife. My PS4 hasn’t been used since last Thursday when I was able to wedge in two quick rounds of Overwatch.

I don’t have XBL anymore but my brother does so every August, for his birthday, I buy him another year’s subscription. I usually start watching the price around June and never pay more than $40 for it.

I don’t have XBL anymore but my brother does so every August, for his birthday, I buy him another year’s

I bought the PS3 Fat two weeks before they announced the PS3 Slim. I know your pain.

The first time I loaded it up I remember thinking incredulously, “This is it? This is that game no one can seem to shut up about?”

I’m glad I’m not the only one having a shitty day

I’ll just stick with my Mario Time Pebble Watchface thanks.

I live exactly 50 miles away from most of the towers, and in a valley, but I’ll give it a try anyway

I live exactly 50 miles away from most of the towers, and in a valley, but I’ll give it a try anyway

My grandmother puts her PT Cruiser in park at every red light.

Because they are Team Rocket

I basically stay in college for free copies of Microsoft Office

I am almost 35 and back in school. I use my student ID allllll the time too.