I got a 33 kill streak with Torbjorn last night and a POTG with D.Va for triggering her super/ultimate/whatever right in the middle of a pack of enemies...and I suck at online shooters. This is the game I’ve been waiting for.
I got a 33 kill streak with Torbjorn last night and a POTG with D.Va for triggering her super/ultimate/whatever right in the middle of a pack of enemies...and I suck at online shooters. This is the game I’ve been waiting for.
I played the beta and was all “meh, back to TF2.” But with all the post release hype I caved last week and bought it. Got POTG with D.Va my very first game. Then got a crazy high kill streak with Torbjorn the next. Yah, I’m officially an addict now.
And now that the Warcraft movie is getting panned we will never get a Diablo movie. Shit, all you needed was a couple of people going to church and exploring the basement beyond the room where AA meets. That’s the whole plot.
Bow ties are cool
Gone Home is sooo good but no one ever seems to care. If it has no guns or explosions I can never seem to convince any of my friends to play it.
Boy, remember when summer meant a gaming drought?
How strong is the magnet? I use a Mophie Juicebox for my aging iPhone 5S. Will the magnet work through the backup battery or should I go for the other model?
How strong is the magnet? I use a Mophie Juicebox for my aging iPhone 5S. Will the magnet work through the backup…
I built my last PC rig back in 2009 with a quad core AMD processor, and 6 GB of RAM. For minimal cost all I’ve done is swap out the primary the hard drive with an SSD, upgrade the amount of RAM and change out the GPU every few years (and I usually buy whatever the last gen model is, not the new hotness) and it’s still…
Valkyria Chronicles, all day every day
I ingest this stuff daily in a protein shake. It’s great for your gut. Under a microscope they are shaped like spiky round chex that scrape along your intestine wall and remove parasites and other stuff. They are also negatively charged and therefor attract positively charged particles (including viruses) and trap…
I ingest this stuff daily in a protein shake. It’s great for your gut. Under a microscope they are shaped like spiky…
I cancelled my preorder of Overwatch from Amazon after the free beta weekend. I never thought I would get so bored so quickly with a Blizzard game.
I use it for white noise when trying to sleep in unfamiliar places, like hotels and the occasional couch behind a burned out convenience store.
First thing I did with my PS4 was replace the HDD with the Seagate 1TB SSHD. It boosted my boot time significantly, but probably not as much as a SSD but I didn’t want to sacrifice the drive space.
First thing I did with my PS4 was replace the HDD with the Seagate 1TB SSHD. It boosted my boot time significantly,…
Yawn. Another day, another internet outrage
That never gets me but the end of Forest Gump, at Jenny’s grave.
Saving Private Ryan, when the medic is dying and he starts crying “I wanna go home”
I used to laugh at one of my friends for crying during that scene. Then I finally saw it myself and lost my shit.
For 2D I would go with Supergiant after the success they had with Bastion and Transistor.