As a Playstation TV owner I am used to being disappointed.
As a Playstation TV owner I am used to being disappointed.
It’s about ethics in virtual reality!
I will never tire of this gif. Having no experience with this game I don’t know where the loop begins and ends.
“Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” - Tyler Durdin.
Ever since Jak 2 I have been in love with games that have long and beautiful draw distances. Every time I climb up a tower to synchronize a new area in AC: Syndicate I spend a few minutes just rotating the camera in amazement. This was a similar thing to happen with The Witcher 3 too.
I sent him to the castle and every once in awhile i check on him by selecting a settlement quest I finished but haven’t checked in. He seems stuck at the Cambridge Police Station for some reason.
I kind of want a legit game where Scorpion fights zombies by swiping gems or some shit now.
I’m still considering VR to Apple products or new cars. You just don’t buy the first model year.
I came straight from Witcher 3 to F4 so I was already on the “save often” bandwagon.
Eh. Wait for the $40 version with all the DLC
I stopped talking to Preston after The Castle because I thought it would be over but it’s never ending. who cares, there is literally 2 people at that settlement, fuck em if they are too cool to move to Sanctuary.
Fallout 4 was the one thing that stopped me from finishing. I got as far as the whole “ok, now lets go back and get our friends to help us defend this shithole fortress” quest so I’m only a few hours from finishing the main story line. Maybe those settlements can fight off their own raiders for awhile while I go back…
This goddammed lighthouse.
It was a sequel on DS. It was okay.
I hate you Japanese Game Studio that is probably Konami
I like it. But you know what I would like more? A new Okami game.
There’s a dog named Desmond in AC:Syndicate?!?! I just started that game.
Lucky. I got one right off the bat as I was walking out of Sanctuary for the first time.
I have the OG Genesis with the clam-shell Sega CD
Great. Now I have to go home and play Corpse Killer