

I prepurchased on Steam (I wanted the dog park) but haven't gotten to play it yet. I'm pretty sure there is a Murphy's Law that states "the more eager I am to sink myself into a new game the more hours I"ll start pulling in the office." The last two days have been 14 hour shifts.

Oh me too. But mostly because my wife loves city building games and if she is busy playing this she won't be busy being mad because I'm pretty useless when it comes to chores and house projects.

After 13 I'm so burned on this series I will have to wait for a few reviews before I take the plunge.

Just downloaded Helldivers tonight to keep me company in the lines at PAX tomorrow and boy am I already hooked.

Someone call Mythbusters

Should probably do it now too before people start ramping up the prices again

Me too. Hopefully, because they connected via USB it won't be a problem

I could kiss you right now. Ever since I downloaded that game I've been wracking my brain trying to remember the name Echochrome. Even my wife was like "hey, this is just like that game that came with your PSP."

Far Cry 4 added...elephants?

I've been craving a new city building game forever now. Can't wait for this game.

Will this be even prettier than the PS3/Vita version or pretty much the same? If it's the same I won't bother. I already paid for both the Vita and PS3 versions as it is, on top of the original of course.

FFX is a good game but I think Donkey Kong is better


-__- That sounds like hipster talk to me.

I had an ex girlfriend who used to borrow audiobooks from the library and rip them to her ipod, and then when listening to it on shuffle she would get random chapters of books thrown in. If there is a downside to Audible it's the inability for me to quickly purchase a new book on the go.

Vote: Audible.com

A cool mechanic would have been that every time you use the One Ring to escape a battle it also notifies Sauron of your location leading yet more orcs to you and eventually Sauron himself who is so overpowered that all you can do is run from him, thus pushing you to use the ring sparingly and adding an element of

Like I said. That is based on the initial charge they came with.

Like I said. That is based on the initial charge they came with.

I had my first set for a number of years (well before Panasonic's acquisition of Sanyo) so I would give them my seal of approval. I used to use them in my 360 controllers too back before I shoved it in the closet to make room for my PS4. They work with my old charger too so that's nice

I had my first set for a number of years (well before Panasonic's acquisition of Sanyo) so I would give them my seal

I picked up the 4-pack of Eneloop Plus AAs that were on sale last week to replace some first gen ones I've had since the Sanyo days. So far they are good but the precharge they came with was pretty weak, only about 40 % capacity according to the wireless keyboard and mouse I use. I drained them down over only a fews

I picked up the 4-pack of Eneloop Plus AAs that were on sale last week to replace some first gen ones I've had since