I only play games featuring Big Boss
I only play games featuring Big Boss
Camping corners you think are blind while an enemy stands off to your side and watches you for several seconds before killing you? Check.
Have you tried the XB1's OS? Believe me, as underwhelming as the PS4's is, the way the XB1's chugs is way worse.
I can't even get mine to shut down by holding power. it does nothing, I have no choice but to unplug it.
On Friday, publisher 2K Games delayed the PS4 alpha of their upcoming shooter Evolve, citing v2.00 as the reason. (The alpha has since gone live on PS4, and it's all been extended until Tuesday.)
It took me around six hours to make it through Advanced Warfare's futuristic tale of military adventure, and I absorbed every Spacey-soaked moment of the campaign. They say no one plays Call of Duty for the story, but it's generally the part of a COD game I look forward to the most — even if that's because it serves…
Sweet. now I can finally upgrade my 5S to iOS8. I didn't want to lose my jailbreak. Free mobile hotspot is the best reason to jailbreak.
It will come out when it's ready
I immidiatly began having that problem but had to leave it on Rest mode last night because it was taking foreeeever to download the Evolve Alpha.
Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.0 GHz
It's even weirder played backwards.
Well then I guess it's a good thing all my friends bought XB1s
Same here. This is actually the first I've heard of anyone having connectivity issues. Which leads me to believe it's those peoples' connections to blame.
This was the game I bought my PS3 for. I would proudly display it for all my friends and they would say "meh" and go back to their shooters. But not I!. Now can we please have a PS4 sequel?
Agreed. Want to impress me, have the two machines on opposite coasts at least.
Agreed. I've got a 20 Mbit cable connection but a lot of people in my area have 5 Mbit DSL. I'm willing to bet it won't work well for them
I've been using the same four eneloops in my wireless keyboard and mouse on my Mac for over a year with no problems. Have to charge them overnight once a month.
I've been using the same four eneloops in my wireless keyboard and mouse on my Mac for over a year with no problems.…
This is nothing new for me. I've been a video game "coward" for as long as I can remember. From Half-Life's underwater sequence (I HATE SHARKS) to PT's, well, everything, I've struggled through some of the biggest games, and in some cases I've been unable to even get started on them. I'm the same way with some horror…