Only slightly less underrated than the Vita. So many times I try to convince people to get Vitas and they are always, "ya, but I had a PSP and it spent most of the time in a drawer."
Only slightly less underrated than the Vita. So many times I try to convince people to get Vitas and they are always, "ya, but I had a PSP and it spent most of the time in a drawer."
I completely forgot about the PSPGo
I had to buy a sound card when I moved my gaming rig to my TV so I could get surround sound out of it.
just like your mom HEY OH!...I'm sorry. I'm sure your mom is a very nice lady.
Some developer at Microsoft is sweating right now. "Crap. I never thought they would figure that out."
I live in Mass. but apparently I belong in the mid-Atlantic
I remember when I first started using a gnutella client I read that it was first set up as a way to share, sexy recipes
I saved myself $300 and bought a new video card for my PC so I could play Titanfall and now it runs better on my PC then is does on XB1
I am so not looking forward to that merger. Yet when I complain about it people see me as this guy. I really like TWC. I live in a suburban area where TWC covers only myself and the next town over due to a deal they brokered 40 years ago. Every town around us has Comcast and has to deal with data caps and such but…
PSN is one talks /troll
Ya, those days are numbered
sorry, 20 Mbit/s. it's actually the middle tier for what's available from TWC where I live.
I made the switch last year and my connection went from 20mb to 70 for a long time. I think they caught on though and throttled it back to 20 recently.
No, unfortunately they do not make off the shelf cable modems that work with phone service. You would have to get a cable splitter and hook both modems up. Here's the thing though. I've heard (since I don't have home phone because it's 2014) that if you do that they will still waive the rental fee.
Yes, it was Max Payne 3. They moved you into games where you only played against other cheaters.