Jmans Revenge

“Watches Dragonball Evolution...."  What could go wrong....

I would love Squareenix to rebuild Brave Fencer Musashi.... And Einhander... I really want a rebuild of Einhander....

The only thing I really disliked about the underwater battles is managing my air.  There is so much to keep track that adding air made it too hard to manage considering you're tackling underwater controls.

Funny enough Porn Hub is tame compared to the real horrors of the internet.

I'm guessing no cross play with console players correct?  I have a friend that is a PC only gamer that is going to get it and I was hoping it might be cross play with ps4.

Sorry, Arthas does count. Everything you said is true about him, but non the less he was still part if the Alliance and loosely loyal to them (kind of like Sylvanas is loosely loyal to the Horde) also we still have no idea what Blizzard has in store for Wrynn or Proudmoore unless you are part of their development

Haha well when I played WoW I pretty much made all my characters undead if possible so based on everything i encountered as an undead character I always felt they weren’t the niceset race hehe. Plus the comsume skill (if it's still around, I haven't played in years) was fun to use in pvp.

Just wondering, are the forsaken technically evil? I always thought they were (not the Horde but just the forsaken) because they are undead. With being related to the lich king I thought they still kind of didn’t like anything.

I agree, if the game had traditional pokemon mechanics with its non-trainer battles I would be really excited. As for now I feel conflicted because it just feels like an out of place gimmick having pokemon go mechanics in the switch game.

I feel like prison time is not the right approach but maybe losing custody of your child due to child neglect would be a better punishment.

I think this game is tasteless, horrible, pointless and disturbing.

Maybe add a little meth and a few gallons of Monster Energy Drink?

Yet he built and “tested” a rocket.... That is what we would call“rocket science”.

Or be a nursing assistant. I’m a NAC for a retirement community and I’ve worked in skilled areas for years. You lose all fear of bodily fluids when a 200 lbs person has diarrhea all over their bed.

My son shifted his diaper while in his bouncer and when I sat hin down on my chest while lying back he decided to poop through his onesie and on my chest.

Or explode, maybe both?

I hope Monster Hunter Worlds shows SEGA that action RPG(ish) games are still relevant. I played a lot of PSO2 on the Japanese servers but i really would like a western release with proper translations.

On Steam one of the tags this game has is” psychological horror” which is a fantastic tag for this game.

There is just something about PSO that SEGA thinks that the game doesn’t deserve to be localized to the west. I know they hate hackers, but in all seriousness I would rather have the game released and have people cheating (considering it’s a co-op PvE game it doesn’t ruin things as badly as PvP game) just allow to

I would pee my pants if SEGA actually released PSO2 on the Switch (add poop if they create an offline/local lan co-op mode).