Jmans Revenge

The problem with your comment is the “Android” part of the phone is probably not causing the phone to explode. Probably shoddy battery design. The second problem is there are a ton of different manufacturers for android based phones (aka: LG, Samsung, Sony, etc...) And only one manufacturer for Apple phones. It’s why

She’s an insult to all dumb blondes.

Yup I remember seeing them. The guy charged I think 2-5 dollars per game, ripped off many character assests and designs. Worse is I think they were just collect 7 items in a maze like level game with no enemies or gameplay whatsoever based off of their screen shots and descriptions.

If Nintendo (and other companies) shut down free fan games, that were made with real heart and soul put into them, then this 1/100 assed game that costs real money to buy should be shut down.

I rather follow a garbage truck. Following her would be like following Ebola.

No hacking would be like breaking into a house and stealing stuff. A DDOS attack is like tossing soo bunch of shaving cream in front of the door of the house that the owners have to clean it up before they can get in. No one entered the house, nothing was stolen, and nothing really was damaged. Just a mess to clean up.

not to mention the context of the crime as other people said. I wonder what the father would think if his son raped an under aged girl even if it was for less than 10 minutes?

It is their freedom of speech to say anything to anyone regardless how offensive it is...

Not only that, violence in video games is not the main contributor to violence in general even in children. Violent behavior related to video games is more related to frustrations either in real life (such as a baby interrupting a video game and the player being violent because they are being interrupted) or the video

Just wondering... what makes Tetris a “Sci-fi Thriller”? Is it because all of the pretty colors?

I wonder if this was made by the same developers that made the Mechassault game for DS (Which by the way is pretty awesome for a DS game).

What if I like Monster Hunterz; would I like this game?

Well this gives me little hope that SEGA will release Phantasy Star Nova on the Vita outside Japan

It is amazing, and very unique game; I just wish there was more maps, modes and gear, though I know Nintendo is slowly releasing more content.

Sooooo..... this instead of the still TBA Phantasy Star Online 2 western relase? How about a western version of Phantasy Star Online 2 Nova..... How about ANYTHING ELSE other than Sonic....

Game.Com or Red Zone from Tiger is all he deserves.

I would love to see a Resident Evil in this style but with PS4/X-Box One graphics. I personally think this kind of Resident Evil would be a good test to see if this is the NEXT big Resident Evil instead of constantly rehashing Resident Evil 4's over the shoulder combat (even though I love Resident Evil 4).

If you rush through the game on casual difficulty, each campaign is about 30 minutes (total about 1 hour each episode), if you take your time and explore on normal/survival, you'll get about an hour each.

It is still false advertising none the less, also I am liking Splitscreen games on PC more because of 3 things:

Lets see.....